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I left the house as if running away before Tom came back. I left the photos untouched, leaving them on his desk to make sure he knew I knew everything.

I didn't want to see him, talk to him, or listen to his statements full of lies. I would never, ever be with him again. He himself ruined the little chance we had left.

I left the house and started walking on the deserted road in the middle of nowhere. Gray clouds began to cover the sky. The sun would set soon.

My hands were shaking. I couldn't even take three steps on the road without stumbling from the shock I was in. Unable to hold back my emotions and the sense of betrayal I felt, I started to cry. Whatever impression I had of him was erased in the last week. I had never knew Tom. I fell in love with a man I never knew.

I couldn't walk this road, alone, like this. I'd either get lost in the woods or Tom would find me, and both were equally bad.

There was only one person I could think of to ask for help. I knew I shouldn't have called him. I could call anyone. I knew if I called Skye she would be here within minutes. But she wasn't the person who would be good for me in this confusion of emotions I was feeling.

I took out my phone, to which I had added old numbers, and called Seb, who I had saved with his name in the contact list this time.

Seb answered the phone after a few rings. "Yes?" he asked. He didn't know it was me calling him because he didn't have my new number.

I couldn't stop being angry at myself. Sebastian cared about me so much. Maybe he wasn't in love with me, but he cared about me and had feelings for me. He was there for me in every way. But I broke his heart because of Tom.

"Seb," I said, my voice shaking from crying.

I thought I could hear him standing up when he heard my voice. "Faye? What is it? Are you okay?"

I couldn't help but cry harder at his reaction, and I covered my mouth so he wouldn't hear my sobs. "Can you pick me up?" I asked.

"Where are you?" He sounded so worried I was sure he thought Tom hurt me. Tom had hurt me, but not in the way he thought.

"I'm on the road to Tom's house."

"Okay. Wait for me. I'll be right there," he said, and I hung up the phone. Instead of waiting, I kept walking. I had gotten as far away from the house as I could, but I didn't want to stop.

Everything was fine until a week ago. Tom was still the perfect guy in my eyes. I wasn't both madly in love with him and hated him in the same time. After everything, I didn't know why this was the final point. Maybe it was because while I was looking for a reason to hold on to him despite everything he did, he gave me another reason not to do so.

I heard the sound of a car coming from the road behind me and I started walking faster, even running, even though I knew it wouldn't work. There has never been a time when I didn't want to see him or I wanted to be away from him this much.

Tom's car caught up with me and started keeping up with me as I ran. He opened his window. "Faye, don't act like this. Let's talk."

I continued running. Even hearing his voice made me shake even more, but this time the only reason was anger.

He stopped the car and ran after me. He caught up with me with a few long steps and grabbed my arm. "Let me go," I said but it was so low, even I didn't heard myself.

"Faye, please."

"LET ME GO!" I shouted this time. I screamed so much that my throat hurt. He still stood in front of me and wanted to talk as if he had something to say. I couldn't even bear to look at him.

THE TASTE OF YOU [OC x Tom H. & Seb Stan]Where stories live. Discover now