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I woke up with a pain in my chest. My eyelids insisted on not opening, and my mood wasn't ready for the day that awaited me. Because today, not only I was going to look at Tom's face and act like I also didn't have feelings for someone else but I would also feel the pain of it.

I felt sick just thinking about what happened yesterday. I didn't want to lie to Tom anymore. I wasn't going to tell him about my crush on Seb, but I would feel lighter if he at least knew a part of what I was hiding from him. I didn't know if he would leave me, but I couldn't continue a relationship by lying to him anyway.

He was really angry yesterday, I still didn't know why, but if he was the same way today, I couldn't talk to him. He yelled at me once and it made me feel terrible, I didn't want the same thing to happen. Yet I knew, he was right to be mad at me however he wants and being mad wasn't even enough considering I liked someone else.

Even without looking back, I could tell he wasn't in bed by the lack of warmth he radiated. Even though it was so nice to wake up in his arms, maybe it was good that he didn't see me when I felt like this. But he was still awake while I was sleeping and woke up earlier than me. How many hours did he sleep?

I got out of bed, put on Tom's gray t-shirt, washed my swollen face from sleeping, and after brushing my teeth to get rid of the terrible taste in my mouth, I started looking for him in the house. I didn't have to search long, I heard the music coming from the basement.

I knew Tom had a gym in the basement, so I was prepared to see him doing pull-ups shirtless. However, no matter how much I prepared myself for this image, it did not diminish its impact.

Every time he pulled himself up on the anchor, the shape of his face changed and the muscles in his stomach and arms hardened and tightened. As my gaze wandered over the sweat flowing down every muscle on his belly, I was amazed at how it could have such a direct effect between my legs.

When he realized I was there, I don't know how many seconds he stayed there hanging, but as his eyes were wandering around my body he was finding it increasingly difficult to stay there.

I noticed I was only in his t-shirt and I knew how much he loved it.

He landed on the ground and kept his gaze on me. His angry looks from yesterday were gone, so he couldn't have been angry with me. Still, there was something under his gaze that I didn't understand.

It was very difficult to focus on his gaze when I saw him in front of me with his six feet tall and sweaty body, my eyes were always moving lower and he was noticing it too.

"I couldn't find you when I woke up," I said, thinking that I needed to talk now.

Still, it felt like I had to get away from there, as a heat that I didn't know whether it was morning horniness or Tom was overpowering my body. "I'll go, you continue."

As I was about to turn around and leave, that dominant voice stopped me. "Come here."

I hated being given orders, but I felt obliged to obey every command he gave, and it felt good in a different way.

When I approached him slowly, he crossed his arms across his chest. This made his arm muscles even more defined. God, it was so good that the more I looked at it, the more I questioned whether my own paintings were really art.

"I'm usually alone here," he said without taking his gaze off mine. "I'd like a company."

"Me?" I asked. The only thing I sucked at as much as working out was cooking.

THE TASTE OF YOU [OC x Tom H. & Seb Stan]Where stories live. Discover now