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When I left the class, I still haven't heard from Sebastian. When I woke up, I saw a text from Andy, saying he was okay. But Sebastian was quiet all day and if I know him a little, he'd text me all day, asking when we will meet.

I was still worried about him so I texted him instead of waiting.

Are we still meeting today?

As I was leaving the classroom, someone shoulder-loaded me and I dropped all my stuff. I turned to the person who hit me and saw a pair of green eyes: Jack. Of course it was him, I had no doubt that he did this on purpose.

"Watch where you're going," I told him.

"You're the one standing at the door," he said but helped me to get my stuff anyway. He was a really unstable guy.

His brows furrowed as his hand reached down to my phone that was dragged along the floor. He looked at me with a strange look in his eyes.

"Daddy?" he asked, looking at my phone.

I snatched the phone from his hand, my eyes wide open. "It's my dad," I said, but this lie only made me sick.

He didn't believe me, his gaze turned disgusted and he said, "It's that guy, isn't he?" asked. "Tom."

Even though Jack didn't know this, since Tom was my boyfriend, it made sense that he would be the one I saved like this. But Seb's name was just a joke. I wouldn't call anyone daddy, especially him.

"What?" I asked. He still didn't know we were together and there was no reason to tell him. "I said it's my dad."

"You call your father daddy?"

"Sorry that I don't have a sick mind as you and thanks for ruining this for me."

His eyes were watching my every gesture, but I did a great acting and didn't show anything to him. I took my stuff from him and left the campus.

I had received a text from Sebastian seconds after mine.

Of course ;)

I'll be there in an hour, I texted him.

First I had to go home to get my stuff, and have a decent meal. I looked at the address Sebastian had sent before. It was only a few blocks away from my house, I could walk.

I met with Carol on the school yard. Both of our classes ended at the same time today, but unlike me, she was going to go to work. She was working every day while I was working part-time. I didn't have much money trouble since I had scholarship from a couple places and my grandma in Holland sending me money every month.

"My head hurts," she said.


"Who would make you write a composition at ten in the morning? Oh, I'll tell you: Professor Green would." She rubbed her head. "A two-hour composition about the meaning that the sounds of birds adding to nature... Look, I love literature but two hours, Faye. Two hours."

I listened to her as she talked. She loved her subject but sometimes she'd feel so overwhelmed. When I first met her last year, she was sitting in the campus crying because her exam went really bad. She ended up getting an A.

Before we parted ways, I gave her the painkiller in my purse.

When I got home, Skye's door was closed, she was probably sleeping. When was the last time I had talked to her except fighting because of Tom? I have missed spending time with her. Last time we went out she had bailed me and I had to go back home with Sebastian.

THE TASTE OF YOU [OC x Tom H. & Seb Stan]Where stories live. Discover now