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"I'm throwing a party tomorrow night," Skye said as she took a sip of her coffee. She came home in the morning again and she was hangover. I made her a coffee after I forced her to have breakfast and gave her a painkiller.

"Where did that came from?" I asked as I cleared the table. It was late afternoon and we were just having breakfast. Carol had already gone to class.

"The party I went to last night was a total fiasco. I told him to show him how to throw a party." She was sitting on one of the bar stool on the stand. I never understood how could she live by sleeping at noon and staying up all night.

"Of course you did. Because you never pick up the mess after the party."

"I'll hire a cleaner," she said. Seeing that I was still not convinced, she continued. "Come on Faye. You have no reason to say no. You don't even have school or work next day."

"Fine," I gave up. "But, I'm telling you, I won't do the cleaning."

She said, "Done," and grabbed her phone to text bunch of people. I don't think I've met as many people as Skye's phone book in my entire life.

"I'm going to school," I told her and grabbed my purse. I kissed her on the cheek and left home.

When I got to school with the bus, I was already late a little. I wish my first lesson was applied arts. It was hard to find a seat in the history of art class, when you're late.

It was my first day of second year here. I was studying art at one of the best universities in London. I didn't particularly choose this university, but this was the only place I could go to with a full scholarship. When I started a life on my own in a new country, I didn't have much money to pay for school.

Just like I guessed, there were hardly any seat left. Most of the empty seats were on the back so I walked to the first seat I saw.

"Can you move your bag?" I asked to the boy I shared all my classes with. He was my rival in school. Jack and I were the best in class and that put us into a competition.

"Couldn't you find another place?" he said with an annoyed expression on his face. It was torture to put up with this guy.

"I did but I wanted to sit next to someone who stinks," I said curtly.

He rolled his eyes before he moved his bag. "Next time, come a little earlier and save me from this torture will you?" I sat down without answering him.

After the history of art was over, we started to the year project in theapplied arts class. We would recreate the same landscape painting with their own interpretation.

After both classes were over, I walked straight out of the school to the bus stop. Since I didn't have free time at school, I was just able to check my new phone. I read Skye and Carol's chat in our group chat. Skye told Carol about the party while she was in school and Carol reacted the same way I did. And then Skye had told her she could ask Andy to come if she likes. And she managed to convince Carol with that.

When the bus still didn't come, I decided to walk home. Today the weather was better than other days. Moreover, I loved to walk the streets of London whenever I could.

A few blocks from home, I decided to stop by my favorite tape store and take a look inside. I was trying to collect all the albums of my favorite band and there was only one left.

I liked it here. It had every kind of music. Although there was no need to collect cassettes like before, I loved collecting.

I went to the part I usually go. When I came to the rock section, I looked for the last album with excitement. And there it was. The last album of Chase Atlantic that came out last year but I never got to chance to buy.

THE TASTE OF YOU [OC x Tom H. & Seb Stan]Where stories live. Discover now