Chapter: 24

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The next day, Tawan came to check up on Boun

"Love, Should I bring your breakfast here?"

Boun shook his head. Tawan extended his hand out asking for Boun's. Boun held his hand and got up from bed. They walked downstairs to be treated with smiles. Everyone was waiting for Boun with bright smiles. Tawan's mom setting up the table. Boun sat down with Tawan. He looked around finding someone. Tawan asked what he was looking for. Boun asked him where the kids were. Tawan's mom smiled and said

"Don't worry they were with me, Jom is looking over them right now"

"Sorry for the trouble"

Boun said, looking down at his hands. Tawan's Mom put her hand on Boun's shoulder and said with a warm voice

"Don't be sorry, we love being with the babies. Even though Arthit can be a little whiny, it's fine. We worry more about you"

Tawan held Boun's hand and warmly smiled at him.

'Even if i have no one I will always have you'

Boun thought to himself. Tawan's mom served Boun food and told him to eat. A few minutes into eating, they heard both the kids crying loudly. Followed by Jom

"Ai-Faih! Come here!"


Faih quickly put down his food and ran to Jom's call. Boun and Tawan also followed Faih to the room. Faih had Inthurat in hand, cradling her. He quickly told Faih to take care of Arthit. Boun took Arthit from Faih and He stopped crying almost instantly after Boun held him.

"You missed me? Oh such a good boy, papa's sorry"

Faih came closer to Boun and Inthurat also stopped crying after getting closer to Boun and Tawan. Boun asked if they just woke up and Jom nodded and said he was going to tell Faih to make formulas. Boun told he would feed them. Tawan took Inthurat and Faih and Jom went out of the room.

After some time, Jom knocked on the door bringing in food for Boun. He handed Tawan the tray and went out. Tawan picked up some rice and

"Come on, I'll feed you"

"No~ I'll eat after feeding"

"I'll feed you, the mother has to eat too. Come on wide open."

Boun gave in and accepted the food. Tawan hand fed Boun. After eating Boun laid down the babies in his hands and laid down patting them. Tawan left the room to keep the tray away. While Boun was laying, he heard a familiar voice. He went out to check who was outside. On the couch sat Tawan's parents with Tawan, and Faih and Jom on either side. Across tawan sat a lady. The same cloak. She turned around instantly hearing Boun.

"Boun... dear"

Boun took a step back. Tawan quickly got up and ran to his side.

"Why did you come out? Do you need anything?"

"Why is..."

Tawan's dad stood up and said

"She wanted to see you. But Tawan didn't want her to see you. She told us everything before telling you, Tawan will be with you, go talk to her."

Boun clenched his teeth and sat down across from her. Everyone except Tawan left the room leaving them alone. Boun avoided looking at his mother. He looked down. His mother, spoke up and asked Boun

"I heard you have kids now?"

"Yes, you were already at the ceremony... secretly looking at us from afar"

"Ah... You noticed?"

"Yes, Ever since I came here, I felt some on staring and the familiar scent"

"You remember my scent?"

Boun stayed silent. Neither denying nor agreeing with it.

"Why are you here?"

His mother paused for a second and said hesitantly

"I wanted to explain myself"

"What about Poh?"

"... He actually passed away that day"

Boun stayed silent, so did Tawan. His mom started explaining herself.

"I'm half omega, so are you... your characteristics are barely there but since you gave birth it will be more prominent."

Tawan already guessed this when Boun got pregnant but Boun didn't look much astonished either. She continued and told that Her mother, an omega, her father, a human, had met coincidentally and had her. Her father who could not be a part of this world was on earth without knowing her existence. After knowing the truth of her father she wanted to go to earth to find him. At the age of 20, Kanika went to earth, in order to find her father. Having only a year to find him, she got help from a police at the station.

"K' Kanika, Your father has already passed away due to a disease three years ago."

The policeman told her. The policeman, Somchai Rakatan, consoled her and soon they fell in love with each other. But they only had five months together. Kanika kept running away from the people who tried to get her back. They both managed to escape to Koh Mak island together. There they had their first and only son, Boun. But seven years later, Somchai had to go back to Bangkok for his mother's funeral and took His wife and son along with him. That night of September 2007, Misfortune overshadowed the family.

"Mea, where are we going?"

Asked little Boun not knowing the destination. His mother, Kanika replied

"We're going to Poh's house, Grandma went to somewhere really far, so we have to say goodbye to her"

The family, unknowing of what will happen next, sang songs with each other enjoying the night sky. The next thing they knew, A lorry hit the car, crashing the car to the side. All three of them covered in blood and shattered glass. The last thing Boun remembered from that night was The flashing red and blue lights of the ambulance. All of them got rushed to the hospital. His father and Mother were in critical condition. Boun suffered from minor concussion and bone fractures. The next day, Boun regained consciousness but his father slipped into a coma. Mother, unconscious. In the afternoon, Kanika regained consciousness and Boun was by her side. But suddenly her abdomen started hurting a lot. Boun panicking while the doctors and staff rushed in. She held his little hand as she was getting rushed to the ER and said

"Don't cry, I promise I'll be back and we'll all go back home together"

Lies... Hours later, Boun got the news of His mother passing away.

Or as they thought. Kanika's sister, a beta who worked in the hospital, in disguise, found her sister dying and the only way of saving her was to bring her back to their universe. No other way out she went back to their universe leaving Boun alone.

"Jea? Where am I?"


Kanika looked around and realized where she was

"No I can't be here, My son. Boun, I have to go back. Somchai is also there. I have to go back-"

"Kanika! Stop, you can't go back anymore. Do you realize what you have done. Escaping from the officials? For what? You couldn't even find dad"

"No, I have to go back, please. I can't leave Boun"

Apart from losing her first son Boun and her husband, she also lost her unborn child, which she couldn't even get the chance to tell her husband. Having no way of getting back to earth, losing both her children, losing her husband, she got arrested for violating the law. Even thought of killing herself but didn't have the courage to do so, Holding on to that small hope that she might be able to go back one day, reunite with her son... 

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