Special Ep. 2

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After they freshened up they went to have dinner at the hotel. They had an array of food, from Japanese to western. Boun ate till his hearts content. After they all finished eating they went to their rooms and got into bed. Faih and Jom took over the kids and went to their room with them. 

Tawan got into bed with Boun and slid his arms around Boun's waist getting closer. Tawan held his face and looked into his eyes. He leaned in and kissed him gently. He kissed his jaw to his neck slowly taking off his clothes. Boun got on top of Tawan and said "let me do it today". Tawan smiled and let him. Boun kissed his neck. Boun could smell his musky scent getting stronger. Boun moved to his chest and then to his abs. He kissed down between his pecs. Boun got under the sheets and got to work. Tawan bit his lip leaning his head back. 

The next morning Faih woke them up to have breakfast downstairs. 

After having breakfast they all got changed and set out to the city. They walked down the beautiful markets of Hokkaido. They bought souvenirs and had great food. They stopped at a saleswoman in front of a rental kimono shop. Boun looked how pretty the people looked. Tawan noticed this and asked if he wanted to try. Boun nodded to him and went in the store. The lady asked to measure Boun. Tawan refused and told them he will do it. He took the tape and wrapped it around Boun measuring him. He caressed him gently while so. After measuring they got their size kimono and went to change. Boun called in a staff to help him. Tawan let them as he didn't know how to dress him. Tawan himself went and got dressed. They both picked blue, Tawan picked a darker blue and Boun picked a lighter version of it.  Tawan waited for Boun to get done. Boun asked from inside if he could get his hair done with it. Tawan told him to get everything done. Boun agreed and got his Hair and makeup done by the staff beautifully. He got out to show Tawan. Tawan's jaw dropped by the sight of his wife. He looked ethereal. Tawan was in awe. Faih shook him out of his reverie. Tawan stuttered in his speech. Boun chuckled by his behavior. Tawan got closer and Boun tilted his head and asked 

" How do I look?"

" Like a god"

" Really?"

" The best of them all"

Boun blushed by his remarks. They looked for kimonos for the kids and thankfully this store had baby sizes. They picked ones similar to theirs and got them dressed. They both looked cute with their cubby faces. Their tiny hands and feet peeking out of the kimono. 

They all were dressed and went out to take a stroll. They had everyone turning their heads. They stopped at a park to feed the kids and Tawan and Faih went to get food for them. A middle aged lady approached Boun and asked something in Japanese. Boun informed they don't speak Japanese. The lady switched to English and asked for the kids names. Boun smiled and told their names. The lady was surprised and asked if they were both boys. Boun nervously denied and told one was a girl. The lady looked rather pissed and told them why would they put a baby girl in blue and she should be in should be pink and not blue. Jom was ready to fight her but Tawan came back to see Boun uncomfortable. He approached them and asked 

" What is happening, love?"

The lady gave them a stank eye and mumbled 'no wonder why'. 

" Excuse me?" 

Boun explained what had happened and Tawan fired back by saying

" What color of clothes I put my OWN kids in should not bother someone like you"

" I was just saying that you should not put girls in Blue and they should be in pink or more girly colors but after seeing that you both are... "

Jom sprung up by her words pissed and asked

" We are what? Complete your sentence. Can't? Why are you scared?"

Boun pulled on his sleeve telling to calm down. but all three of them was angry at the lady and was ready to fight for the kids and Boun. The lady scoffed at them and said

" no wonder why you look so feminine and your kids..."

They were all at their limits. Boun got up and moved  them out of his way. He snapped and said 

" You can say anything about me but never say anything about by kids or my husband. I may look feminine and all but look at yourself mam you..."

" hey- what do you-"

" You're just jealous he looks prettier than you"

" Wait, how ironic is that you're saying that girls should be in pink and boys in blue while wearing and blue clothes"

The lady scoffed and stormed off. Jom looked proud that Boun finally took a stand for himself. Tawan told he did a great job. Boun smiled and said thankyou to both Jom and Tawan for standing up for him. Jom smiled at him and said

" Don't thank me, I'm always ready to fight for you."

" I'll never let anyone hurt you"

" I love you guys"

They all said 'we do too' smiling at their sunshine who had a bright smile on his face.  Tawan looking at him as if he hung stars in the sky for him.

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