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Thunder roared outside the window, followed by the bright lightning. It was raining heavily. Boun was in the kitchen for water. All of a sudden the lights went out. Frightened, he took a step back. Ignoring the thunder he went to his room to get to bed as it was 11:48pm. He covered himself with his blanket and hugged his fox plushie as tight as possible. He couldn't get an ounce of sleep. He put his earphones in and played some music to get himself to sleep, finally at 3:00 am he got himself to sleep, but it wasn't long till he heard noises. A deep creepy voice which sounded like a old woman's called his name and said

"You're here?"

He slowly opened his eyes to find himself in a dark room with a single light shining on him, his name was repeatedly called by a deep hoarse voice. There were cobwebs all over the place. It looked like a dusty cottage. Scared, he curled himself up in the corner of the room, in the dark. As the voice died down he raised his head slowly to see if it was over. In the distance, a small candle was lit, almost burned down, he went closer to see if anything was there. The candle shined brighter revealing a heavy iron door looking all rusted. With all his strength he opened it to see trees, right and left. *BANG* the door shut behind him. He again heard that voice calling him. Tears rolled down his face as he banged on the door to let him back in. He had cut his hand on the sharp edge of the framing of the door but didn't notice as he was desperate to get back inside the room. He sat down, crying for help. After a few minutes,a small firefly landed on his knee. He extended his finger and the firefly got on his finger. He got up and just as he did, many other fireflies accompanied him, all going in one direction. He followed it but after some time of walking, it spread away. All scattering away.. He realized he was in the middle of the forest, trees all around, surrounded by darkness. A swift figure went past him. At a distance a set of bright golden eyes shining in the dark void. It disappeared, he could feel swift movements around him. He tried to find what the creature was but He suddenly tripped over a rock and scraped his knee. Tired, he rested on a tree and closed his eyes hoping to wake up in his house.

He woke up with the rays of sunshine blinding him. He opened his eyes to see that the dark scary forest with unknown creatures was a beautiful forest which looked like it was straight out of a fairytale. He noticed that his hand and knee were bandaged and wrapped around with pieces of cloth. He got up to see scratch marks on the trees and weirdly there was a tuft of fur on the ground. He picked it up. But what was weird was its color, it was navy. And it wasn't because of the sunlight or anything. It really was blue.

A loud rumbling sound came from his stomach. He put the tuft of fur in his pocket and went around to see if there was anything to eat. After an hour of wandering he had found a berry bush, it looked like black berries but he wasn't sure. But he didn't care to think if it was poisonous or not. He plucked the ripe looking ones and tossed them into his mouth, it kept him full for some time but after wandering to find his way out he got dizzy. His head throbbed, his vision started to get blurry, in a matter of time his whole world went black. When He regained my consciousness He could hear His friend Jom trying to wake Him up. He slowly got up, head throbbing and vision blurry.

"Hey are you okay? I tried to wake you up for so long but you didn't wake up"

"Mm I'm fine, my head hurts"

"Drink some water"

He handed Boun a glass of water with a concerned face. Boun realized that the forest was only a dream.

"what happened to your knee and hand though?"


"Did you fall somewhere?"

He looked down to see that his knee and hand was indeed injured and bandaged with a piece of cloth. He ran to the bathroom mirror to check what was going on. Jom followed him confused.

"Oii, don't you know what happened to yourself?"

"No-I-the forest"

"What forest? you're in your house dumbass"

Boun frantically searched his pockets and to his shock the tuft of fur was there.  

Dreamt In Blue [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now