Chapter: 13

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While they were hugging, Tawan's parents entered the room. Boun quickly wiped his tears. His mom went to Boun, held his hands, wiped away his tears and said,

" Thank you dear for this"

" Can I hug you?"

" Of course why ask, come here, I know it's hard for you but we'll all be here for you"

Boun hugged her tightly, and cried.

" Why are you crying? Don't cry. Okay dear, what do you want to eat?"

" Tom yum"

" oho, you're just like me when I was pregnant with Tawan, should I make it spicy?"

" Yes"

Boun giggled. His mom went to cook for him, Faih came in shouting congratulations. Tawan's dad shushed him and said

" Boun, Tawan, you two should stay here until your health is more stable, you can't go to a normal doctor from earth for your pup. Also for the first trimester, please refrain from any intensive activity like sex "

" Okay poh"

Boun's face flushed red hearing that.

While at dinner everybody was pampering Boun, suddenly he started to cry, Tawan asked

" Hey why are you crying? Does it hurt?"

" No... I'm just happy"

Tawan then remembered about the fact that Boun's parents died when he was young. He reached out for his hand and held it tightly.

" It's mood swings dear, it's completely normal, Tawan get ready to handle 9 months of this"

Tawan nodded and continued to eat. During his time staying with Tawan's family, all the people under Tawan's dad came to visit him and congratulate the couple. He was pampered by everyone, Tawan took good care of him all the time. He was everyone's baby even if he was carrying one. After a week and a half they all returned to earth with the order of them coming back every month for a check up. Boun exclaimed that this news should be told to Jom. The next day Jom and Faih were in their apartment,

" Where were you for the last week and a half?"

" Tawan and jae will come and tell today"

" When?"

" We still have time"

He leaned in closer for a kiss. They were inches apart from each other. Just as their lips touched, the doorbell rang. Jom went to answer it and it was Tawan and Boun. Tawan hands Faih a box and tell him to open it but before he could open it Jom ran to Hug Boun

" Woah Boun you gained some weight finally"

Boun smiled and got in. When Faih opened the box he immediately closed it as it was full of condoms. Tawan whispered in his ear patting his shoulder

" Don't do what we did"

Jom turned to Tawan hearing something and asked

" What?"

" Nothing"

" Okay Jom, here"

Boun gave a box to him

" What's this?"

" Open it"

Jom opened it to see baby clothes

" Baby clothes? oh is it for my niece, but she's... 7 years old though"

" It's for mine"

" Wait what?, where do you have a niece from?"

" Not niece, but my child,... I'm pregnant"

" Haha very funny"

" He's not joking"

Jom looked at them confused. Boun explained everything to Jom. He was shocked hearing that his best friend was pregnant. He looked at Faih to see that he was not shocked or anything

" Why are you so calm?"

" Because... I'm one of them"

" You.. asshole"

Faih hugged him so he would not get angry. He said in a buttery way "that's not what you call your boyfriend".

later on Jom said he was happy for Boun and accepted him no matter what.

" Okay this calls for celebration"

" Beer for me"

" Juice for me"

" Beer here too"

" No juice for him too, p' you have to drive"

" Just one"

" Your child's and husband's life is in your hands"

" Okay okay juice for me then"

They clinked glass and celebrated. It was getting late tawan and Boun left. The next day Tawan went bizarre on buying baby products, almost clearing out the store.

They got home and Boun sat down looking at how much stuff they bought

" You bought too much"

" It's for our baby"

" Mm I know, I'll go shower."

" Can I join, I massage your back"

" No need, organize all this"

Tawan organized all of it into the guest room. Boun got out of the shower to see Tawan sitting on the bed extending his arms towards him. Boun got closer and Tawan wrapped his arms around his waist and put his ear up to his belly. Boun smiled and said

" I guess I'll have to take care of this baby too.

" Yes... I love you"

" I love you too"

" I'm talking to my baby not you"

Boun pushed him away and turned around pouting his lips

" There there are you sulking"

" You don't love me anymore"

Boun started crying. Tawan quickly hugged him and said

" Wait no don't cry, I'm sorry, I love you the most the most in the whole universe"

Boun hugged him back crying. Tawan slowly moved him to the bed and tucked him in. Then he got in bed and hugged him.

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