Special Ep.1

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They all returned back home after the two days. In the evening Faih and Jom gifted them an envelope. They opened to see flight tickets and resort bookings to Japan. Boun jumped around excited. Jom smiled as he knew that Boun has always wanted to go to Japan. Tawan Thanked them after seeing how happy Boun was. 

All three of them looked at Boun admiring how cute he was. They were the sunshine protectors and Boun was the sunshine. All Tawan could think was how fluffy and squishy Boun looked and just wanted to squeeze his cheeks.

Tawan and Boun started packing for their trip. Boun stopped packing and asked Tawan about the kids. Tawan said we'll take them both with them but Boun was hesitant as it might be hard to enjoy time together with the kids.

Just as he was about to say so Jom entered and said that they will once again babysit them for two nights and one night Tawan and Boun will. Boun asked him why one night for them and Faih said from behind "we need to enjoy at least one night Jae, don't be so greedy". Boun chuckled at his remarks and continued packing.

They were all set by two days and left for Hokkaido. They had 3 nights and four days to enjoy. Tawan and Boun got into the flight and sat at their designated seats.

They were all next to each other, with Faih and Jom on one side and Tawan and Boun on the other. Even though it was first class, there still was quite a bit of people. Just as the flight attendants started the announcement Arthit started crying at the top of his lungs. Boun panicked and tried to calm him down. Tawan gave Inthurat to Jom and he covered her ears so that she won't also start crying and thankfully she wasn't the whiny type. Boun started to panic and patted his back to calm down and even Tawan tried but it was all of no use.

Tawan told that he might be hungry. Boun knew this but he didn't have his bottle filled as they had already finished it on the way there. Tawan got up and asked the flight attendant if there was a private area that they could go to.

 Tawan thought for a second and asked Boun. Boun whispered in his ear that he would have to breastfeed him but was too shy to do it in a public place. The flight attendant suggested their seat as it was a safer option and more private. Boun had no choice but to agree.

Tawan removed his jacket and covered Boun. Jom and Faih saw this and offered theirs too. They all covered him as he fed his baby. Boun's ears turned red from the embarrassment. All eyes were on them but Tawan told him not to worry and continue. They all sat down, Boun still feeding and covered up. 

The flight took off and Jom noticed Faih shaking his legs and looking restless. Jom asked him what was wrong and Faih told him nothing was. He  took Faih's hand into his and held it tightly, instantly calm him down. He moved a little closer to him trying his best with Inthurat in his hand. Faih smiled at him and pecked on his cheek. Faih felt truly blessed to have him by his side.

The plane landed after almost 7 hours. They all got off and took a cab to their hotel. They checked in and got the keycards to their rooms. Tawan opened the door to let them in and Boun ran to the balcony to see the beautiful Blue beach reaching the horizon. Filled with couples and kids. Boun was ecstatic seeing this. Tawan smiled in endearment seeing his love so happy after quite a bit of hardships. Boun then turned to notice the bathroom. It was a bathroom with a glass door. Boun's imagination went wild. His ears turned red. Tawan asked what he was thinking about. Boun panicked and said nothing. Tawan moved closer and said 

" Imagining me showering I there?"

Boun got flustered and denied. Tawan didn't buy it and leaned in closer to kiss him but they were interrupted by Faih and Jom knocking on the door. Tawan annoyed attended the door to let them in.

Faih and Jom also got in their room next to Boun and Tawan's with the same beautiful view. 

After they changed their clothes they got to the beach. Boun pulled back Tawan and told him to put on sunscreen. Tawan turned his back so that he could put it on for him.  Boun Put it on for him and told him to put it on for him. Tawan squeezed some on to his palm and smothered his back with it. He sneakily moved his hands towards Boun's chest. Boun smacked his hands off and Tawan pouted to him. Boun put his shirt on and Tawan asked

"Why are you wearing a shirt? Are you shy?"

"No my... stomach"

"I told you, you are beautiful with and without it. If you really don't feel comfortable showing it, then fine. But know that You are still the most beautiful."

Boun smiled brightly, touched by Tawan's words. They all sat down on the shore. 

Faih and Jom called them into the water but they refused as they had to look after the kids. Tawan told him to go in and he would look after the kids. Boun agreed and ran after Jom and Faih. They played in the water for an hour or so. Tawan admired him from afar, how happy he looked. How good he looked with a bright smile on his face. Boun got out drenched, his shirt revealing his tiny waist. Brushing his soaked hair back. Tawan gulped by the sight of his wife looking like a delight. They all sat next to him and Tawan kissed Him on the lips for a second Boun pushed him off and said they were in public. 

Seeing this, Faih slid his arms behind Jom's waist expecting something. Jom smacked him off and said "don't even think about it". Faih was backed off disappointed. 

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