Chapter: 19

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A few weeks went by, the thought of proposing kept Tawan awake. He told Faih about it and Faih suggested that he should go ring shopping. That evening both of them went to the jeweler to look for rings. Faih called over Jom to help Boun take care of the little ones. Tawan said he had some errands to run and asked if Boun needed anything. Boun shook his head and asked for a kiss. Tawan kissed him on the lips and left to the jeweler. At the jeweler he looked through many rings but nothing caught his eye. The saleswoman saw him struggling to choose anything so she approached him and asked

" Sir, do you need any help?"

" Uhh.... no"

"May I ask who you're buying this for?"

" My...boyfriend"

"Are you thinking of proposing or just as a gift?"

" Proposing"

" Sir, would you like to get a customized one with your initials or something"

" Um... can I see some"

" Of course. Would you like it in platinum, gold or silver or any other metal?"

Tawan asked if he could see some before choosing. The lady brought out a display of all the metals they sold. He asked which one was the most expensive and the lady answered

" Our most expensive is palladium jewelry. This one"

"I'll take that then"

The saleswoman nodded, shocked.

" Simple one for everyday use or more festive one?"

" A simple one"

"Would you like any stones on it?"

Tawan thought about it for a minute. Then he remembered something. One day when Boun was on the couch looking at his phone, Tawan approached him and laid on top of him. He embraced the warmth. Boun continued on his Phone whilst gently caressing Tawan's hair. Tawan laid on Boun's chest peacefully listening to Boun's heartbeat. He looked up to boun and said

" Your heart is racing"

" I know... I can feel yours too"

" Kiss"

Tawan Pouted asking for a kiss. Boun pecked him on the lips. Boun remembered something and asked tawan about it

" P'Tawan"

" Mmm~"

" When I came to your universe for the first time, I remember picking up a tuft of fur and when I woke up and came back to earth it was still there, that's when I knew it wasn't a dream."

" Okay"

" I still have that tuft, and it looks really similar to your hair"

"Can I see it?"

Boun opened up the drawer beside him, and in a box was the fur. He showed it to Tawan and

"So is it?"

" Mm, looks so"

" Really?"

" Yeah only my family has this fur color"

" So the creature was you?"

" What creature?"

" I saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes in the dark, but before I could go see what it was it ran"

" Were you wearing a pink t-shirt with checkered pants?"

" Yes I was!!"

" Then it was me. I'm sorry if I scared you, I think I was just roaming because I couldn't sleep and I heard something weird"

" You actually didn't scare me, and also were you the one who bandaged my wound"

" No"

"Then who was that?... forget it"

" So we're really destined"

" Isn't it already obvious?"

" So why do you still have this?"

he pointed to the fur and asked. Boun replied

" I don't know, I guess I like the color"

"So you like my hair?"

" Yes, I like the color"

Tawan then was brought out of his flashback by Faih. Faih shook him and asked him to reply to the lady.

" Uh sorry, I'd like sapphire on it and maybe diamonds"

" Ok sir, and initials?"

" T and B on the outside back of it and A and I inside of it."

" We'll roughly design it and show in a minute"

The saleswoman left to tell the designers who made a few rough sketches in a few hours and came out. Tawan looked through some but didn't like any, until one of them caught his eye. It was a simple ring, with the initials and a sapphire in the middle of it with two small diamonds on each side. Tawan exclaimed that it was perfect. He made some minor tweakings to it and ordered it and the designer told him to come pick it up after a month. A month passed and Tawan got a call from the designers saying his order was ready. He Talked to Faih and Faih told him to keep it at the store until it's time. Tawan made a reservation at a beautiful restaurant. That day Faih and Jom took over the kids and helped them.

" Love, here"

" What's this?"

Tawan handed him a bag and told him to open and see. Boun opened it to see a beautiful light blue suit, with a platinum chain. Boun asked him what it was for.

" Let's go on a date, it's been so long since we've gone on one"

" But what about the kids?"

" I told Faih and Jom to come over. they should be here by any min-"

Just as he said that the doorbell rings. Tawan opened it to let Faih and Jom in.

" That was fast"

" Now go get ready, go go go"

" Okay, wait for me"

" Mm"

Boun went to the room to change into the suit. Then only he realized he had no clean white shirts to wear underneath it. He called for Tawan

" What love?"

Tawan entered the room to see Boun shirtless. He grinned as he went closer.

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