Chapter: 15

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It was getting darker. Faih and Jom were outside, and Tawan was sleeping beside Boun. Boun had small contractions but thought it was fine and chose not to tell Tawan. But the pain kept getting worse and worse till the point where he couldn't hold it anymore. A few minutes in, Boun's water broke, He squeezed Tawan's hand in pain. Tawan got up instantly and panicked. Boun couldn't speak because of the excruciating pain, tears rolled down his cheek, Tawan stood up to get his dad but Boun didn't let go of his hand. He squeezed Tawan's hand tightly. Tawan shouted


Jom rushed in and Faih rushed to get Tawan's dad, Jom stayed beside Boun telling him to breathe Boun pulled Tawan closer and cried

" P' I'm scared"

Tawan held his hand

" Don't be, I'll be here with you, It'll be fine"

"what if I won't be able to see you anymore, What if I-"

"no, don't say that, you'll be fine"

His dad came running with other medical staff. The doctor checked the baby's condition, Boun was crying in pain. His dad told Tawan and everybody to get outside, Tawan refused. They gave Boun anesthesia and an oxygen mask, Tawan refused to leave. Boun's grip loosened then his hand dropped. Faih pulled Tawan outside trying to calm him. His mom hugged him to calm him down. Boun's cries stopped because of the anesthesia. Tawan was restless.

His dad was in the room for hours until they heard a cry, not Boun's but a baby's. Tawan's eyes lit up. But his smile faded as he was not hearing the second baby's cry, Faih stopped him from going in. After thirty minutes or so, the nurse announced that both of the babies were safe. Tawan hugged Faih and broke into tears.

But his smile once again faded as his dad came out and said Boun is losing too much blood, he heard the heart rate monitor, the heart rate was dropping. He felt as if his whole world collapsed. Everything around him went silent. All he could hear was the monitors beeping and people rushing in and out. Everything around him slowed down. His knees weakened and he fell into his mom's hands. His face went pale from fear of losing his loved one. She sat him down and covered his ears. But the thought of losing Boun taunted him. If he lost Boun he wouldn't be able to face his kids. If he lost Boun, he would resent them. There could be more kids but there was only one Boun. He couldn't lose him.

Luckily Jom was the same blood type as Boun.

After half an hour his dad came out and said

" He's out of danger now, he's still unconscious"

Tawan rushed in to see his love, looking drained, pale, his lips dry and cracked, his eyes, puffy. He held his hand tears in his eyes and said

" Boun, you did it, it's a boy and a girl, you did it, please wake up... Boun don't leave me, our kids still need their mother, please Boun wake up. I can't do this without you"

Tawan stayed with Boun while the babies were getting checked and they were healthy, but Boun was still not awake. Two days passed and Boun still didn't wake up. Tawan stayed with him all the time. He looked through the glass at the NICU, his two babies, tiny, and frail in the incubator. They were both weak as they were born a month before the estimated due date. He went inside and went closer to the babies, both having heart rhythm patches on their chest, oxygen tubes under their noses. Thick hair on both their heads, chubby cheeks, small and tiny fists. He went back to Boun and saw that Boun was still unconscious, Tawan tried to stay strong but he couldn't. His mom came in the room

" Tawan son,"

Tawan broke into to tears and hugged her

" Why is he not waking up mae? I can't live without him, the kids need him too"

" He'll be alright, he's strong enough to give these beautiful babies, so he's strong enough to wake up"

His mom blinked back tears and comforted him while he cried in her arms

a soft low voice said" stop crying" Tawan felt a tug on his sleeve, he turned to see that Boun had woken up. The color in his face came back

" You're awake, thank you,"

Boun looked at his stomach and looked around for his babies, there were no babies in sight as they were in the NICU. He pulled Tawan's sleeve and frantically asked

"My bab-babies , where are they? Why are you crying? What happened to them?"

He tried to get up Tawan calmed him down and said

" Lay down, they're okay, they're in the NICU"

Boun calmed down when Jom showed him a picture of the babies. Boun said he wanted to see them. Jom and Tawan got him on the wheel chair and went to the NICU. He looked through the window, His eyes tearing up. Boun asked if they could go in. The nurse handed them gowns to stay safe and sanitized them. They both went inside and Boun looked at the small babies with tears in his eyes. Tawan put his hand around Boun's shoulder and said

" They're pretty just like their mother"

Tawan kissed him and put head against his and said

" You did it"

" I did it"

" They're our kids"

" Our... kids"

He put his hand on the babies leaning towards Tawan.

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