Chapter: 21

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It was a rush. So many people running around preparing for the event. It was held at the same forest that they first met at. Faih was in charge of coordinating everything. Jom was getting Boun ready for his big day and Tawan's mom was getting the little ones ready. Tawan's dad approached tawan in his room and said

" Tawan, son, you are taking a big step in your life today. Now you are in charge of keeping your family together happily. Don't ever ignore this duty"

" Yes poh. I'll protect all of them with my life"

At the event, there were a lot of people, Tawan's friends, his mom and dad's friends and family and many other people, even Cherry was there. Boun had only Cherry and Jom from his side as he had no other people He could call. But Tawan's mom called many of her friends to accompany him.

Boun got dressed in a beautiful suit and a veil. Along with the Chain Tawan bought him. Tawan's Mom came into the room to see her son in law. Boun turned around with a big smile. He was only half ready but he looked beautiful.

" Oh my god you look so beautiful, even miss Thailand or man of the world can't compare to you"

" Mae~ you're flattering me too much"

" No not at all, okay here I came to give this"

She handed him a box with a bracelet. He asked what it was and She smiled with a proud look in her eyes.

"It's our family heirloom. "

" Mae I don't deserve this"

" Why? You're smart, handsome, strong, kind, and you're marrying my son."

" But still-"

" No buts, come here I'll wear it for you"

She pulled him closer and wore the bracelet on his milky wrist. She gave him a big smile and said no one could pull it off like him. Boun hugged her and said

" Thankyou mae~, I thought I would never know what a Mother's love would feel like. But you treat me like your own son. I'm really grateful for you, pa, Tawan, Arthit and Inthurat."

"Don't cry, you're my son now. Although I can't be you're real mom I will try to be a good one"

" You're already the best on I could wish for"

She comforted him. Faih came in to call them as it was time. Jom asked for 5 minutes and he agreed. He fixed Boun's clothes and wiped his tears. He fixed his makeup and hair. He put his hand on his shoulder and told him, looking at his complexion in the mirror.

" Congratulations Boun"

" Thankyou for everything Jom. You always protected me, and stood up for me because I was to naïve, thank you for standing beside me and supporting me, after my parents died, you were the only family like person I had"

" No need to say thank you, you're like my little brother, I'm happy I got to know you."

They both got out and waited for the call. Tawan was greeting the guests near the stage. Eagerly waiting to see his wife. Faih got up on stage and announced

" Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my beloved friend's wedding. I'm honored to be the host for today's event. It's time to start the ceremony. So we already have our handsome groom on stage, so I will call upon stage our ring holders, the two beautiful kids of the couple, Arthit and Inthurat"

Jom and Tawan's mom walked down the aisle with the kids. Faih looked at how gorgeous Jom looked in his suit hand picked by him. He was glowing, He couldn't take his eyes off of him.

" And by the way the one on the left is already taken, he's my future husband. Okay now back to our stars. Now I'd like to call upon the bride/groom Boun Rakatan soon to be Boun Rakatan alongside K' Chaiyaporn Whichapak. Unfortunately the Boun's father isn't here anymore so we have the groom's dad walking the bride down the aisle. But he's definitely up there watching happily"

Boun and Tawan's dad walked down the aisle heading towards his new start. Tawan blinked back his tears. He was in awe. Boun walked down the aisle, head slightly tilted down, face covered with a sky blue veil which hid his beautiful brown eyes which held stars in them, rosy lips soft as rose petals, and the galaxy on his cheeks for freckles. His suit was a beautiful shade of blue complimenting his lover's. With gold accents, pure as his soul. And the bracelet shining on his wrist. And his neck embellished by a simple chain with a sapphire stone, the same as Tawan's. His dad handed Boun's hand to Tawan and said to him "he's yours now". Tawan smiled and held on to Boun's hand.

"Okay now we'll start the vows, who's going first?"

" Can I?"

" Go ahead"

" P' Tawan, all my life I thought I would never experience love or be loved by anyone, but after you came into my life, it has been full of it, you, pa, ma, and even P' Faih treat me so well. You all help me, make me happy, be there for me when I'm down, protect me and love me. I couldn't be happier. If my mom was here she would've loved you. You all treat me like a gem. When I was in Pain, you Held my hand, stayed beside me, and took care of me. When I was happy, you were happy with me, when I was sad, you consoled me, when I was mad you patiently listened to the reason. Thankyou for always staying beside me. I love you."

Tawan wiped away Boun's tears and took the mic still holding on to his hand and not letting go

" Boun, first of all thankyou for coming into my life, I know I say this a lot but I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me. Before you came into my life I was very... strict I'd say. But after I met you, I've seen myself happier. I feel like my life is complete. You Waited for me for 389 days without saying anything. You waited for me to come back even though you didn't know how long it'd take. You went through great amounts of pain to give birth to our two beautiful healthy babies. Even though both of us weren't ready for kids, you still accepted them. I wish to spend the rest of my life with you Boun. I love you "

"Okay that was very touching, Jom, get the tissues......"

He said in a funny tone acting and Jom playing along to his over dramatic boyfriend.

" Okay moving on, now that you've said your vows, do you Tawan Saran Whichapak Take Boun Natthapong Rakatan as your lawfully wedded husband, and hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in health and in sickness to love and cherish him, until parted by death"

" I do"

" Do you Boun Natthapong Rakatan, take Tawan Saran Whichapak as your lawfully wedded husband, and hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in health and in sickness to love and cherish him, until parted by death"

" I do"

" Now I make pronounce you as husband and husband, you may kiss him now"

Everybody cheered as they both kissed each other. It was the most magical and beautiful moment of their lives.

The room was filled with joy. The newly married couple was talking to their guests and getting congratulated by all.

Tawan was talking to his guests with his hand around Boun's waist and a glass of wine in his hands. Boun was still new to his new status but with Tawan by his side there was nothing else that he could ask for.

suddenly Boun's eyes widened. He looked around the room finding someone. Tawan asked him what was wrong. Boun softly said to him

"Arthit and Inthurat"

"What about them?"

As soon as he said that they heard the kids crying. Tawan and Jom was shocked seeing Boun knowing what was wrong even before the kids started to cry. It was like he had Spidey senses or something. Boun put his glass down and went to Tawan's mom who had the crying kids. Tawan soon followed his wife to help him. His mom smiled and gave Inthurat to Boun and Arthit to Tawan. They both cradled and rocked the kids in their hands but they wouldn't stop crying...

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