Chapter: 2

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Boun explained everything to Jom, who was confused and thought Boun was just blabbering but his hand and knee said otherwise. He played along to his story and suggested him to take the fur to his uncle who was an animal expert.

Boun agreed, curious to know what had actually happened to him. That evening itself they went to see Jom's uncle. Boun explained everything to his uncle, even about the dream. His uncle didn't believe him at first but after seeing the tuft of fur he was left jaw dropped. He explained how hyper realistic dreams or commonly called lucid dreams, could be what he experienced but being able to have an element from it was impossible.

Uncle:" Okay I believe you now, I'll contact my juniors in the lab and tell them to test it for me"

Boun:" Thankyou so much uncle"

Uncle:"Is your hand okay now?, and your knee?"

Boun:" Yeah it's fine now"

Uncle:" You should see a doctor just in case"

Boun:" Okay uncle"

They handed over the fur and bid their farewells. Three days later he got a call from Jom's uncle.

Uncle:" Boun dear, this piece of fur is not in any book of zoology. But they did find that it was the closest DNA match is to that of a wolf."

Boun:" A wolf? But what wolf has blue fur"

Uncle:" I don't know about that, as you said the forest looked nothing like what you would find on this earth"

Boun:" Yeah so do you mean I traveled to a whole different universe?"

Uncle:" I don't think so- ok dear I need to go now, take care of yourself"

Boun:" Okay uncle bye"

He hung up the phone and immediately called Jom to tell what happened. Jom was just as confused as the others. They spent almost an hour coming up with theories and looking them all up on go*gle


A tall handsome man with sharp facial features and a muscular figure approached his father, bowing to him and asked

Tawan: "Father, I heard you called for me"

Dad: "Yes Tawan, my son"

Tawan: "Yes father"

Dad : "We have found your Soulmate. But...he is from earth"

Tawan: "A human? But how is that possible?"

Dad:" Me and your mother planted a berry bush when you were born and the bush would only flower when you are ready to meet the one, I know it sound confusing but we wanted fate to pick your partner and a human had somehow entered our world and the bush flowered and the human ate the berry from it"

Tawan: "So now what should I do father ?"

Dad: "Tawan, you must go to earth and find the kid"

Tawan: "Go to earth?! how?"

Dad: " The kid opened a portal connecting our land and the earth, go change into these"

He handed him set of pants and shirt

Tawan:" What is this?"

Dad: " In order to look like a human you have to dress like them, I will tell the messenger to open the portal at dusk, you can go then"

Tawan:" Yes father"

The sun was setting, a bright light shined and opened a portal connecting the two worlds, he bid farewell to his mother and father and stepped in.


Tawan felt something in his pocket which turned out to be a note from his father stating that he had told a messenger to arrange everything for him.

Faih: "What does it say? akk-"

He crept up his shoulder and said, Tawan turned around punching him in the face

Tawan: "Who- Faih? what are you doing here?" He asked helping him up

Faih: " Isn't it obvious? I followed you here, and why are you here?"

Tawan: "Father sent me here to find my partner"

Faih: " Hah? your partner is a human?"

Tawan :" Yeah why? you have a problem?"

Faih: " Calm down, bro I was joking, how dare I go against the fierce, handsome Tawan Whichapak, the son of the leader."

Tawan:" Shut up, And you're still in our place's outfit, you have to change to blend in"

Faith: "How?"

He asked, looking at his own attire, which looked nothing normal. It was as if he just came out of a fairytale.

Messenger:"Are you the one leader sent to find your partner?"

Tawan:" Yes, I'm Tawan Whichapak, son of Chaiyaporn Whichapak"

Messenger: " Yeah yeah I know. I've arranged your stay and job, you'll be the CEO and your friend here can... be your secretary"

Faih: "Hey why am I his-"

Tawan:" You want to be homeless?"


Messenger: "Follow me"

They both followed the middle aged man to a mansion. The place had five to six sportscars and many maids to assist them. Faih looked around astonished at how big the house was. 

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