Chapter: 23

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A week went by, and they were all still at Tawan's place. It was 4:13 pm, Boun was on the balcony when tawan hugged him and asked what he was doing. Boun smiled and said that he'll go out for a walk. Tawan told he'll come with him and Boun agreed. Later they both went on a walk along the bank of a river holding hands. As Boun walked he felt someone staring at him and following them. He whispered to Tawan

"I think someone is following us"

Tawan looked around but there was no one. Tawan put his arm around Boun and reassured there was no one. This time he felt it closer and got a familiar scent. But Boun still got that weird feeling of someone tailing them. Tawan focused on his surroundings and heard a twig cracking.

He held down the woman and asked who she was. The woman's face was not visible as she was being held down. Boun felt that she felt familiar and her scent was also familiar. As if they knew each other before. Boun stopped Tawan and told to get off as she looked old. Tawan backed off and asked the lady who got up, and showed herself. She removed the hood of her black long cloak revealing her face. Boun's face changed instantly after seeing her face.


Tawan turned to Boun, shocked hearing that. Boun's eyes widened.

"I thought your mom passed away?"

Tawan looked back and forth. The lady's face resembled Boun's. The eyes were exactly the same. The lady finally spoke and called out to Boun

"Boun, son... I'm sorry"

She went closer to Boun to hug him but Tawan stopped her. Boun's eyes filled with tears after hearing his mother's voice after years. The woman he thought to be dead came back. Tawan looked confused and asked the lady

"Who are you? Are you really... my husband's mother? Why are you following us?"

The lady fell silent. After a long pause she answered

"Yes, but I'm not worth that title anymore. I just wanted to see my only son from afar, I didn't dare come in front of him"

Boun stayed silent. The overwhelming feeling of anger and sadness overcame him. He clenched his teeth and asked

"You were alive? You were alive for 16 years and still didn't come back. You promised you would come back"

He clenched his fist asking her. The only reply she could give was a sorry. Tears rolled down Boun's cheek.

"I'm sorry boun. I really couldn't come to you. I was dying to meet you but I couldn't. I'm sorry"


Boun asked her, lowering his gaze. Tawan held Boun's hand. His mother started crying and said

"I really couldn't come back, son. Believe me"


Boun shouted, having mixed feelings, sadness, happiness, anger, hatred.

Happiness she was still alive, anger, she wasn't saying anything, hatred, she didn't come back for 16 years.

"I belonged here. I couldn't go back anymore."

Boun ran off, Tawan followed him. His mother broke down in tears, so did Boun. Tawan pulled his hand and pulled him into a hug. Boun broke down in his arms, holding onto his shirt tightly. Tawan gently stroked his back. After some time Boun and tawan returned back to the house and Boun went to his room avoiding everyone in the hall. Jom Asked Tawan what had happened and Tawan explained what had happened. Jom went Boun immediately after hearing it. He opened the door to see Boun sitting on the bed with Arthit on his lap. Boun stroked his small face gently. Jom Texted Faih to come to the room after two minutes and get the kids. Jom sat down next to Boun and asked

"You okay?"

Boun put a fake smile and answered

"I'm fine"

"That smile is faker than the bags at the night market. Stop lying your fine, It's fine to not be okay, come here"

He put his arms around Boun and pulled him in. As Jom told to do, Faih entered with Tawan and took the babies. Tawan paused before the door but Jom told him he can handle it. Tawan left the room, closing the door. Jom made Boun lean on him and asked

"I'll ask again, be honest. Are you okay?"

Boun finally gave up and said no, breaking into tears. He complained to Jom about how his mother never came back, about her promise of coming back.

Jom comforted Boun throughout the night. Both Arthit and Inthurat also started crying. Tawan's Mom came to help Faih and Tawan with handling them. She turned to Tawan and said

"Kids can know when they're mother is sad, that's why they're crying."

Tawan cradled Arthit in his arms, looking in the direction of the room concerned. Tawan stayed on the second floor with Arthit while His mom went downstairs. Tawan kept prancing the hall with Arthit in his arms. A few minutes later, Faih came to him and took Arthit from Tawan and said

"Stop prancing already, he's already asleep"

Tawan looked at Arthit who was already fast asleep. Faih went downstairs and laid Arthit down with Inthurat beside Tawan's mom. After around two hours, Jom came out of the room. He closed the door behind him and Tawan ran up to him asking how Boun was.

"He cried for a long time, he's asleep. Take care of him or your kids will be fatherless"

Tawan nodded and Jom went down to Faih. Tawan carefully opened the door to see Boun sleeping curled up under the blanket. Tawan sat down on the bed. Stroking his hair gently. Boun's eyes were puffy. Tawan slowly got under the blanket with Boun and rested Boun's head on his shoulders. Boun moved closer and Tawan wrapped his arms around Boun, hugging him. Tawan gently stroked his hair.  

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