Chapter 39

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Just a little A/n, cause why not? I really hope you're enjoying this just as much as I am writing it!

A thanks if you came from Tiktok, (@hpstories2007) where I post POV's from the HP universe, mainly to do with some certain Slytherins I may or may not be in love with 😏😏😏

I'm quite a few chapters ahead of posting, just because of whenever I get writers block, but I recently watched Wonka, and holy shit.

I am in love with Regulus Black. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Also for Wonka, 1000/10 go watch it. Anyways, back to Lola Potter:

"Having a place to go is a home. Having someone to love is a family. Having both is a blessing."

I open the door to a squeal and ginger hair in my face. Ginerva Weasley. I hug her back tightly. No matter how much I despise Harry and his friends, I will always love Ginny. She's just special like that.

"Any tighter, Gin, and I just might die" I say, prying her off me and laughing. She rolls her eyes at me.

"Are you really getting expelled? They can't do that! You're Potter's." She said as though that was the only reason we would be accepted into the school in the first place. Then again...

"I really don't know, Gin. What is this place, anyway?" I say, looking around the dark room. There's three beds on each wall, the room dark and damp.

"This? This is the Headquarters for The Order Of The Phoenix. It's like some sort of secret society. Dumbledore formed it back when they fought You-Know-Who last time." Ginny says uninterested, sitting down on the bed.

"Well, don't you look happy?" I tease, dropping my trunk at the foot of the made bed and sitting on it.

"Well, it's hard to be happy here when they don't tell us anything. They even forbade us from writing. I would've told you everything, trust." She says, looking at me.

"I know. It's fine, though. They're bound to tell us something, especially with the fact we fought off a couple of Dementors in a Muggle area."

Just then I hear yelling coming from another room. Harry. I look at Ginny and she looks back at me with worry.

We make our way to the room, listening to Harry yell.


I open the door just as there was the familiar sound of Apparating. Fred and George Weasley.

"Harry." Fred says.

"Thought we heard your dulcet tones." George says, sitting down on one of the beds in the room.

"Don't bottle it up though, mate. Let it out" Fred says teasingly, taking a seat next to his twin.

"You two passed your Apparition tests, then?" I say, making everyones attention turn to Ginny and I.

"Lolee! We missed you!" The twins say together, pulling me into a bear hug and ruffling up my hair.

"Yeah, yeah, who wouldn't." I say, breaking free of their hug and flattening down my hair.

"It would have taken you about thirty seconds longer to walk down the stairs" Ron says grumpily.

"Time is Galleons, little brother." Fred says, playing with a piece of flesh-coloured string. "Anyway, Harry, you're interfering with reception. Extendable Ears."

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