Chapter 33

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"Saving lives is not about being a hero. It's about doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done."

"No!" Voldemort screeches.

There's flashes of green light and I hear heavy thudding. Suddenly, he stops. "Wait. There was three. Where's the girl?"

I duck behind a statue, but a Death Eater grabs me by my shirt. Voldemort looks at me with victory. "Ahhh. Let's see. Killing you will do me no good..."

He twirls his wand in his fingers. "But I could use a spy."

Before I have time to comprehend what he even said, my left sleeve is rolled up.

An excruciating pain flows from my left forearm, vibrating through my whole body. I scream, and there's laughter from the Death Eaters around me. I feel a band around my finger. The ring!

I press and hold on it, hoping, praying, that Draco tells someone.

Draco's POV:

Potter appears out of nowhere, a dead Cedric Diggory by his side. Everyone is screaming, but there's only one thought in my mind. Where is Lola?

I feel a vibration on my finger. I look down. The ring? My stomach sinks. Where the hell is she??

I run down to Dumbledore, trying to warn him. Guess what? The bastard ignores me! "Dumbledore!" I yell.

His focus is on Potter and the the dead boy. Why doesn't he care?

Lola's POV

I try to wriggle out of the grip of the Death Eater, but he holds me down tightly. The pain stops and the Death Eater drops me. I look down at my forearm.


The Dark Mark stares up at me, the snake winding around the skull threateningly. I look up at Voldemort, who is watching with amusement.

"I will never be a spy for you" I hiss. His high, cold laugh fills my ears.


A searing pain fills my body, like a thousand knives being impaled into my flesh. I cry out, my head bowed. The pain stops and Voldemort stops laughing. His tone changes to fake empathy.

"Ah, but you see. Your dear brother left you here. He took back a dead body but not his very alive sister? What kind of sibling does that, hm...?"

I look down, trying to find an excuse. But I couldn't.

Because he was right.

Harry left me here.

Anger floods my veins as Voldemort laughs again.

"See. Even you can't deny it. But if you were still to refuse me.." he trails off, coming closer and whispering "I hear you and the young Mr Malfoy are very close. One word and all you'll have left of him is his well as Miss Parkinson. What about Miss Greengrass? Mr Zabini..?"

"Fine!" I say quickly. "Fine, I'll do it."

Voldemort laughs and the Death Eaters jeer. "This girl knows whats right and what's not...I shall send you back to that stupid excuse of a school. You are to tell nobody. I shall call for you when you're needed. Understood?"

"Yes." I hiss. He points his wand at me and the next moment, my body thuds next to two people lying next to me on the ground. And for the third time that night, I hit my head and black out.

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