Chapter 25

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"They are not jealous of what you have. They are jealous of what they can't have."

Lola's POV

Once Pansy cleaned up my makeup, I walk back into the Hall. I see Draco at a table alone and walk over. He spots me and speaks. "That was amazing. You're amazing"

I smile, thankful for the dim lights so he couldn't see me blushing. "Do you wanna get outta here? The Ball ends soon anyway."

"Really? Has it been 4 hours already?" He says, checking his watch.

"Yeah. Come on" I say, grabbing his hand and walking out the door with him. We walk through the Entrance Hall and out the front doors, sitting at the edge of the Black Lake.

I take my shoes of and sit in the grass, watching the water ripple in the light breeze. Draco sits next to me and we sit in silence for a while. It's comfortable.

"Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" He says, picking at the grass.

"That's what you wanna know?" I tilt my head and look at him.

He mumbles something about "just wanted to know...make conversation.."

I laugh, looking back at the water. "Everyone can sing. Some are just better than others. I just...didn't find it interesting about myself. So, I guess I thought other people wouldn't" I shrug.

"It is interesting. It's different. Not everyone sounds like that." He protests.

"Well, it's not something I'm interested in." I say, looking at the stars. I lay on my back and he follows. There's another silence before I speak again.

"What do you wanna do when you finish Hogwarts?" I turn my head to look at him, and he does the same. Our noses are almost touching, summoning the butterflies back into my stomach.

"I haven't really thought about it. I suppose I'll work at the Ministry. It's what father wants, anyway. Department of International Magical Cooperation, or something boring like that." He says.

"Well, what do you want?" I question. This is the most personal conversation we've had in a while. I always knew we were close, but I now realize we don't know everything about each other.

"Auror would be fun. What about you?" He says, turning the subject away from him.

"Easy. Quidditch. I'd join the Holyhead Harpies" I say. I've always pictured myself on a broom. I don't play for Slytherin, but I've played at the Burrow with the Weasleys and Draco and I sometimes play on our own.

"You are a natural. I'll try and convince the captain next year to let you try out. Their 'no girls' rule is kinda shitty." He says, looking back at the sky.

"Really?" I sit up. This may not seem like a big deal to anyone, but to me? This is like having your dream handed to you on a silver platter. This could be the start of my career.

"Yeah." Draco shrugs it off like it's nothing. I pull him into a sitting position and hug him. It's slightly awkward at first, but we melt into each other. I pull away slightly and look at him.
Our noses brush each other's and my stomach feels like it's filled with air.

Before either of us does anything, we hear yelling from the Entrance Hall. I stand up at the familiar voice, looking at the doors. "Is it just me or does that sound like..."

"Granger...?" Draco finishes, looking confused. I turn to look at him.

"You remember what almost happened last time Hermione got mad. Fist to face?" He nods, looking a bit afraid for whoever she's going off at. I pick up my shoes and lift up my dress, running to the Entrance Hall, Draco following.

I get there and see Ron and Hermione, yelling at each other at the bottom of the stairs. Harry is standing away, looking around awkwardly.

I raise my eyebrows at him, asking silently what happened. He gives me a look that screams 'do not interfere unless you would like to be eaten alive.'

I roll my eyes. Gryffindor bravery my arse.

"He's using you!" Ron yells

"How dare you!" Hermione says back. "Besides, I can take care of myself!"

"Doubt it." Ron sneers. "He's way too old"

"What? WHAT? That's what you think?!" She yells.

Draco looks as awkward as Harry, looking around the hall, pretending that he's not hearing every single word they're saying.

"Yeah, that's what I think." Ron counters.

"You know the solution, then, don't you?" Hermione says back

"Go on" Ron sneers again

"Next time there's a Ball, pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does, and not as a last resort!" Hermione shouts

"That's completely off the point! He's from Durmstrang! You're fraternizing with the enemy!" Ron shouts

"Oh, that's it!" I cut in. They both look at me. "Ron, you're being completely out of line. Leave Hermione alone. This Tournament was about International Magical Cooperation!"

Ron glares at me, snarling "Well, of course you'd say that! You're not much better, are you? Coming with that slimy git" he gestures to Draco.

I point the heel of my shoe at him threateningly. "You shut your mouth, Weasley before you end up with this up your arse."

Draco sniggers and I turn to Harry. "Get your vile, jealous friend out of here." Harry's eyes widen and he looks scared. He nods and him and Ron leave.

Hermione sits on the stairs with her head in her hands. I speak to Draco.
"I'll meet you in the Common Room in a bit"

He nods and before he leaves, I kiss his cheek. He leaves, but not before I see the faintest of a blush on his cheeks. I sit next to Hermione, wrapping my arms around her.

"He spoils everything!" Hermione mutters in-between tears.

"Hermione. Listen to me." I take her hands. "Forget him. Just think about Viktor! I saw you two. You were so happy today. Don't let Ron mess that up. He had a stick up his arse all night. He thought ruining your night would make him feel better. Show him you don't care. That you're your own person and you'll do whatever you want."

She nods and wipes her tears, standing up. "Thanks, Lola. Really. You don't understand how much of a help you are"

I shrug, standing up too. "It's fine. You can come to me for anything"

"I will. You can come to me too. I'll see you tomorrow." I nod and she walks up the stairs to the Gryffindor Common Room. I open the door to the dungeons and see Draco, leaning casually against the wall.

"You waited?" I raise an eyebrow

"Yeah" he says, casually.

We walk together, talking and laughing, the cold tile of the dungeons biting at my bare feet. Once we get to the dormitories he bows, his lips brushing over my knuckles.

"Thank you for tonight. I had a nice time" I say.

"So did I. See you tomorrow" he winks and leaves to the boys dorms.


Hiiii! So, did u notice??? If u didn't, are u blind? Sorry, but I was talking about the quote. In case u didn't guess, it relates to Ron being jealous about Hermione's relationship with Krum because he likes her. Anyway, I think I'm gonna do this with all chapters from here on out, just to have a little game for who the quote relates to. Whoever guesses who the quote is about first will win......Idk, a virtual cookie?

Anyway, thanks for reading xx

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