Chapter 18

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The next day, everyone at the age of 18 were putting their name into the Goblet. Draco and I were sat in the Great Hall, where the tables had been pushed to the side to make room for the Goblet.

A Durmstrang boy put his name in the Goblet, when Cedric Diggory came into the Hall, being pushed by his friends. Hogwarts students applaud him as he steps over the line and places a piece of parchment into the flames.

I clap and cheer for him as Pansy and Astoria make love eyes at him. Draco and I roll our eyes.

"Pans, you're drooling" I say.

She whacks me on the arm as we all laugh. Just then Fred and George come jogging into the hall, hyping everyone up. I find myself rolling my eyes again. It's not going to work. They're 16. I already know something's going to happen.

"Well, lads. We've done it." George announces.

"Cooked it up this morning" Fred finishes.

Hermione mirrors my thoughts as she shuts her book, turning to the twins. "It's not going to work." She states.

The twins share a look before kneeling either side of her. "Oh yeah? And why's that, Granger?" Fred says.

"You see this?" She points to the blue line on the floor, surrounding the Goblet "This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" George says.

"So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something as pathetically dim-witted as an aging potion."

"Ah, but that's why it's so brilliant" Fred says.

"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted" George finishes.

They stand up.

"Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, George."

I watch humorously as they link arms, taking the potion as a shot. The jump off the bench and across the age line. I laugh, rolling my eyes.

They drop their names in to cheers and applause. Suddenly, a blue flame hurls them out of the circle, sending them flying across the hall. Their hair goes white and they grow beards that resemble Dumbledore's quite well.

I laugh as they begin to wrestle, tugging on each others beard. Students gather in a circle around them, chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight"

As they're rolling around on the floor, Viktor Krum enters the hall, Karkaroff stalking behind him. I grip Draco's forearm, smiling like an idiot. I was in the same room as my idol. The greatest Seeker in the world. Youngest Quidditch Player ever. The Viktor Krum. Draco rolls his eyes, prying my hand off his arm.

I ignore him, watching as Krum strolls over the Age Line, poker face on. The atmosphere in the room changes and everyone stops to watch as he reaches over and successfully drops his name into the Goblet.

Before leaving, he glances at Hermione, the faintest of smiles on his face. She's smiles back and my eyes widen, jaw dropping. I squeal jumping up and running over to Hermione, basically jumping on her, too. I ramble to her.

"OH. MY. GOD! HERMIONE!! The Viktor Krum has a crush on you! Holy hell! What if he asks you out! Then you'll go on a date, then get married, and have the cutest little baby Quidditch Players! And then-"

"Lola!" Hermione cuts me off, looking flustered "He doesn't like me!"

I scoff. "Hermione Jean Granger. Trust me on saying I have, like a sixth sense for this. I can just tell. Ok, definitely not sure about the marriage bit, but I know for a fact. He. Likes. You!"

She rolls her eyes and opens her book, flipping to the right page. I groan and stand up. "Hey. I'm picking your first date outfit."

And I run away before she murders me.


The next afternoon, everyone gathers in the Great Hall to announce the Champions for the Triwizard Tournament. Once everyone is seated, Dumbledores speaks. "And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!"

He waves his hand over the hall and all the lights dim, the only source of light coming from the flames erupting out of the Goblet. Dumbledore turns back to the Goblet as the flames turn red. A piece of parchment flies out of the flames. Dumbledore catches it, opening it up. "The Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!"

The Durmstrang boys cheer, clapping their champion on the back. Krum stands, shaking Dumbledore's hand and taking the parchment from him. He then walks off into the side room.

The Goblet turns red, and yet again, hurls out another piece of parchment. Dumbledore catches it, unfolding it carefully. "The champion for Fleur Delacour!"

The women in blue cheer for their selected champion as she stands, taking the piece of parchment and following after Krum into the side room.

The Goblet turns red once again, and Dumbledore catches the final piece of parchment effortlessly. "The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!"

The Hall erupts in cheers and applause as Diggory stands proudly, taking the parchment and leaving the hall. Dumbledore turns away from the Goblet.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalace of champions, this vessel of victory. The Triwizard Cup!" Mr Crouch reveals the cup, but just as cheers begin to fill the hall, the Goblet's flames turn red again.

I furrow my brows, confused. I look at my friends, who all share the same look. Two pieces of parchment fly out of the Goblet and Dumbledore reaches out to get them. He reads the first piece. "Harry..." He flips over to the other piece "..And Lola Potter.." He mutters loudly.

My jaw drops. No actual fucking way. You're taking the piss. I stay still, shook.

"Harry and Lola Potter!"

I look at Harry and he looks back, dumbfounded.

"You entered us into the fucking Tournament?!" I say loudly, everyone in the Hall looking at us.

"No! I-" he begins but I cut him off, looking at Dumbledore.

"I'm not doing it. I refuse to do it."

"Miss Potter, we will talk about this in a second. Would you and Harry step into the room?"

"No. I just said I'm not doing it." I argue, crossing my arms.

Harry's POV:

Oh crap. I was dead. I could basically see the anger coming off of my sister as she sat stubbornly on the bench. I was going to follow her lead, but Hermione pushes me forwards. I stand up and everyone turns to look at Lola, waiting to see if she'll stand.

She gets up angrily, marching across the Hall and into the room, slamming the door on her way out. I take the paper from Dumbledore following her. As I'm walking someone shouts.

"They're Cheats!"

"They're not even 17 yet!"

I try to ignore them and enter the side room. As soon as I shut the door, I'm being pinned against the wall next to it, my head banging on the wood harshly.

(A/n: oooh, cliffhanger. Sorry, but there's more to come!!! A bit off topic, but I'm a few chapters ahead of writing, but I just wondered if anyone had any nicknames for Lola? I was considering Lols (L - oh - l - s) but it doesn't sound right. Any ideas???)

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