Chapter 32

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"Danger is real. But fear is a choice"

The silence is deafening as I make my way through the maze. I find myself having to stun a Blast-Ended Skrewt, solve a riddle from a Sphinx, and walk through some sort of enchanted mist.

I'm deep in the maze when I hear a woman screaming. Fleur.

I run towards the sound, looking for her. I finally find her, unconscious on the floor, glassy eyes looking blankly at the sky. I check her pulse. Oh, thank God. She's alive. I send up red sparks, continuing through the maze.

I hear grunting and yelling. I turn the corner to see Viktor shooting a spell at Cedric. He barely dodges it, and I quickly send up a 'Protego'.

Cedric yells 'Expelliarmus' and Viktor goes flying, unconscious. Cedric runs over kicking the wand out of his hand.

Cedric points his wand at him, ready to cast a spell, but I pull him away. "Stop, Cedric! Stop it, he's bewitched!"

Harry helps me pull him away, but both boys take off running, forwards, pushing and shoving each other. I run after them. "Boys! Boys, stop it! What the hell is wrong with you!"

They both suddenly stop, walking through a haze of must in the air. I could barely make out the Cup through the mist. "Yes!" Harry mutters before they both run after it, still shoving and pushing, me following close behind.

Vines and branches snap at our ankles, and I blast them away, still following Harry and Cedric.

But I didn't notice one coming up behind Cedric and I, and we both get dragged to the floor. Harry continues running. "Harry!" I scream.

He ignores me and continues then stops and looks back. "Harry! Harry, help us!" I scream, being dragged into the bushes, Cedric next to me.

He takes a whole minute, debating on whether to help us or not. He finally yells 'Reducto!'And the vines retreat back into the hedges.

Harry helps Cedric up, and Cedric helps me up, his hand lingering on mine for a second longer. I think nothing of it as I look at Harry in complete betrayal.

"Thanks." Cedric chokes out in-between pants.

"Yeah." Harry says, looking away.

Suddenly, a harsh wind pushes us towards the Triwizard Cup, and we all run towards it. We stand for a minute, looking at it.

"Go on. Take it." Cedric says to Harry and I. "You saved me, take it!"

Harry shakes his head, looking at me. I shake my head too. "This isn't what either of us wanted, Cedric. Take the Cup. You're the only champion."

He studies me for a minute, his eyes scanning my face. I feel heat rising to my cheeks. Thank goodness it was so dark.

"Together." He eventually says.

"One. Two. Three." We all grab the Cup.

I feel myself spinning, being pulled forwards until I hit the floor.

"Where are we?" I say hoarsely.

"No idea." Cedric helps me up. "D'you reckon this is part of the Task?"

Harry and I shrug. Suddenly, I feel a presence. A bad feeling crawls up my stomach. "Wands out. Now. Quickly." I say, pulling on Cedric's sleeve.

Footsteps echo through what seems to be a graveyard.

We watch the figure come closer, weaving through the gravestones. I couldn't make out a face, but it looked like it was holding something— a bundle of cloth. A baby?

The figure stops 6 feet away, in front of a large gravestone. Suddenly, Harry groans, falling to his knees, clutching his scar.

I look back to the figure and a high, cold voice screeches. "Kill the others."

The figure points a wand at me and before I can even think, I hear "Avada Kedavra" and I'm being pushed to the floor.

My head hits something hard as a rock, and something heavy falls on my legs. My eyes flutter, and the loud voices turn incoherent.

My eyes close and I go unconscious.

When I wake up again, my head is in a pool of blood. Turns out I knocked my head on a gravestone, and my head and neck are both bleeding. I look down and see Cedric lying on my legs, his eyes closed. He must be unconscious.

I look up to a shocking sight. Harry and... Voldemort were floating in the air, a shield of gold covering them, their wands joined by a single strand of gold light.

I see Death Eaters surrounding them in a circle. I'm quick to grab my wand, crawling to hide behind a gravestone. I peek out and stun a Death Eater. Nobody notices, and one by one, I manage to stun at least 5.

Unfortunately, while I'm trying to Stun number 6, Voldemort notices me.

He points his wand at me and I'm raised into the sky next to Harry. Just then, Voldemorts wand emits an echoing scream, the ghost of Cedric Diggory coming out. "Cedric?" I say, confused. "You're...?"

"Dead." He smiles. He then looks at Harry. "Hold on, Harry."

Then, an old man comes out. I don't recognize him, but Harry seems to. "He was a real wizard, then? Killed me, that one did. You fight him, boy..."

The next person to come out was a woman. Her long, copper hair falling over her shoulders. She looks exactly like me. Or should I say, I look exactly like her. Lily.


My eyes fill with tears. Her ghost speaks. "Your father's coming. He wants to see you both. Everything will be alright. Hold on, Harry."

Another figure comes out of the wand. This one looks exactly like Harry. He looks at us with pride, before turning to Harry. "When the connection is broken, we will linger only for moments. But we will give you time. You must get to the Portkey, it will return you to Hogwarts. Do you understand?"

Harry and I nod. Cedric's ghost speaks. "Take my body back to my parents, will you?"

"We will." I say, looking him in the eye.

"We'll do it now. One. Two. Three!" Dad yells. Harry pulls away, and I go flying behind a gravestone, hitting my head again. I manage to keep conscious, but not before I see Harry and Cedric disappear in a flash of blue light.

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