Chapter 31

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"there are friends. There are family. And there are friends who become family."

During the last week of May, Professor McGonagall held Harry and I back after Transfiguration.

"You both are to go to the Quidditch Pitch tonight at 9 o'clock. Mr Bagman will be there to tell the champions about the Third Task." She says, before letting us leave.

At half past eight, I leave Draco and Pansy, walking up the steps of the dungeons and into the Entrance Hall, almost running into Diggory and Harry.

We start to walk to the Quidditch Pitch, Diggory and Harry talking about the Final Task. We finally get there, and it turns out, they've turned it into a maze. Huh. A maze. That can't be that bad. Right?

After Bagman explains the Task to us, we're allowed to leave, Harry, Diggory and Krum talking about something, while I walk ahead, Fleur slightly behind me.

She catches up with me and we start to speak. Turns out she's not the pretty princess everyone thinks she is. She's overjoyed to find out I speak French, and starts to talk in rapid French. It takes me a while but I finally get used to it.

Before long, we find ourselves back at the castle. she wishes me luck on the task and I thank her, wishing luck on her, too.

A few days later, I was in Divination with Draco, passing notes and laughing silently when Harry falls of his chair, writhing and twitching.

Everyone runs over, Harry still rolling around on the floor, clutching his scar. "Harry? Harry." I slap him on the face and he bolts upright.

I already know he's had another one of those 'dreams', then he wakes up screaming, his scar hurting. Trelawney starts babbling on about visions and seers, everyone moving back to their seats.

Harry leaves the classroom fast, muttering something about the Hospital Wing. As if. Harry would rather battle Voldemort in a Graveyard, surrounded by Death Eaters.

June 24th was coming closer, and Harry was getting daily owls from God knows who, while I tried to distract myself. Pansy and Draco had been teaching me new jinxes and curses that'll be useful in the Final Task.

Another article by Rita Cow-face was published, claiming Harry was 'Disturbed and Dangerous', and Draco had a whole new thing to hang over his head.

I tried to stop them as much as I could, but Harry had been distant, and so had I, the stress of everything getting to me.

The morning of the Final Task, I walk into the Great Hall, Draco at my side. McGonagall walks up to me. "Potter. The champions are congregating in the chamber of the Hall after breakfast"

"What!" My eyes widen "But the Task isn't until tonight!"

"I'm aware of that, Potter. The champions' families are invited to watch the Final Task, you know. This is simply a chance for you to greet them"

"Professor." I try to say as calmly as I can "you and I both know I have no family. Nobody is gonna be here."

I see the hint of a smile on her face. "You'd be surprised, Potter."

She walks away, leaving me confused. "Maybe she's brought your parents back from the dead." Draco shrugs.

I snort. "Funny. Seriously, whose coming for me?"

I manage to shove down a piece of toast, my appetite seems to have lessened ever since the Triwizard Tournament.

I follow the other champions into the chamber off of the Hall. I walk in and see Cedric Diggory with Amos and, I assume, Cedric's mother. In a corner is Viktor Krum, talking with his Mother and Father in Bulgarian, Fleur jabbering away in French to her parents.

I turn and see Mrs Weasley and Bill, talking to Harry. I walk over and she pulls me into a tight hug, and I immediately break down, the stress of weeks pushing down on me. There's just something about Mrs Weasley's hugs that make you feel like you'll be safe forever.

She looks at me worried and takes me into a room connected to the chamber, where I tell her everything. Harry keeping secrets, the Tournament, my parents, That I may be falling for my best friend, how I'm distancing myself from people, everything.

And she does something nobody else has ever done. She listens.

Once I'm done and all the tears have ran out, she takes my hands. "Lola. You are a very strong girl. But you're not alone. You have friends, and a family. We'll always be here for you, dear. Now, Harry is also a very independent person, and I think if you give him some time, you'll know everything. And your best friend? He'd be silly to think a girl as beautiful as you doesn't like him."

I give her a watery smile. I know she was trying to make me feel better, and she was doing well. I wipe the tears stains off my face. "Thank you, Mrs Weasley. Really."

"Oh, no problem, dear." She stands, taking my hand "now, you've got a Task to win tonight, so let's get some food in you"


Music is playing and the crowd is cheering loudly. Harry, Krum, Fleur, Diggory and I are stood outside the maze. Dumbledore silences the crowd and speaks.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now, as Mr Diggory-"

He's cut off by the crowd of Cedric supporters standing up and cheering loudly.

"-and Mr and Miss Potter,-"

The supporters for Harry and I stand up, shreiking. I see Pansy yelling and jumping, waving at me and it brings a smile to my face, calming some of my nerves. I see Draco giving her the stink eye as she jumps, making me laugh. He notices me looking and smiles, causing butterflies to burst in my stomach—No. Not now. Focus. I turn my attention back to Dumbledore.

"-Tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr Krum-"

Another cheer for Krum by the Durmstrang lot.

"-and Miss Delacour. The first person to touuch the Cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. If at any point, should a contestant wish to withdraw from the Task, he or she needs only send up red sparks with their wand."

He turns away from the crowds. "Contestants. Gather round."

We gather in a circle around him, and he puts his hand on Fleur and Viktor's shoulders.

"In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the Cup if you can, but be very wary. You could just lose yourselves along the way..." He trails off, walking back over to face the crowd.

"Champions!" He calls out "Prepare yourselves."

The crowd cheers and we each go to our own entrance for the maze. The cannon goes off, and Harry, Cedric and I run into the maze. I turn back around just in time to see Draco looking worried before the hedge forms together, blocking out all sounds.

Omgggg! We made it to the final task!!!!

I might miss a day or two of uploading because I broke my ankle yesterday and it KILLS  😭😭😭

BUT! it means I have time to sit in bed and write more chapters!!!

I also have my end of term exams next week and I am SO stressed 😭

It kills me that we're coming to the end of the Goblet of Fire, but I hope everyone is enjoying it!!


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