Burning rooms

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Na na na na, go read my chapter! ... Please?

Clay, Reed, Umber, and Crane came exploding through the roof of the Tallons of Power's compound. Throwing ruble, debris, and dust across the room that they burst into.

It was obvious that this was the main hall, from the size and tables. It would have been even more obvious if it had... any dragons to speak of whatsoever.

They looked around the room. From what Qibli explained to them, this place was supposed to be crawling with Vulture's men. There wasn't anybody here?

Clay was starting to wonder if they got the wrong place.

He looked out of the new skylight in the ceiling, "Come on, the place is clear."

Qibli came down first and then the rest of the group. They all landed and looked around too in curiosity, wondering the same thing as Clay.

"Did you already scare them off?" Qibli asked Clay in surprise.

Clay gave him a confused look and shook his head, "there wasn't anybody here when we came through the ceiling."

Qibli's frown deepened, and he started to look around worried, like a ghost was about to appear from the walls.

"What's wrong?" Clay asked concerned with the look on Qibli's face.

Qibli shook his head, this was all wrong, "Vulture would never leave this place empty unless there was good reason, he always had this place manned, even if he was going out of town."

Qibli thought for a moment in silence and then his eyes grew, "Unless he found out that he was about to be raided."

"How would he know?" Reed asked him.

"Grandfather always had a knack for knowing things that he really shouldn't, it would not surprise me if he found out somehow," Qibli said, shivering slightly at the memories of his grandfather always knowing things about him that he told nobody.

"Do you think anybody else is here?" Clay asked him.

Starflight shook his head, "I don't hear anybody's mind, so there shouldn't be."

Clay nodded his head, "Let's look around to be sure, you never know..."

Clay and Peril start to walk off, "Don't forget to watch out for traps, I know for a fact that they set a ton of them in the compound!" Qibli shouted as they walked off.

Qibli looked at the rest of the group, "We all need to split up into groups, this place is too dangerous to go alone, I don't care how powerful you are."

Qibli, Winter, Reed, Sora, and Umber go one way, and the rest of the group goes another.

Clay and Peril were joking with each other as they walked down the dark hallway that was being illuminated by Peril's scales.

"Me and Starflight would always see who was faster when we would train, if I could get him with my rocks or if he could catch me first with his shadow, One time we were doing this practice, and I had actually got to beat him, but by just barely, so my aim was a bit off, he captured me right when the rocks started coming up out of the ground and I got him right in the nuts!" Clay finished as he started laughing with Peril joining him.

"Oh my gosh, I wish I could have seen that!" Peril said between her laughs.

"He walked around with a limp for days!" Clay finished.

They took another step and then something clicked and the sound of something flying came towards him.

Something hit Peril but it was incinerated before it could ever do anything.

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