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Surprise! I'm going to start doing two chapters a week so I can finish this story earlier. I hope you all liked the preview for book 2 last chapter.

Winter woke up with a deep yawn and stretched his legs. He got out of his bed, and he looked around in surprise but then sighed. Remembering he wasn't in the Ice Kingdom anymore, and probably wouldn't be for a long time.

He walked out of his room and at the same time Qibli was leaving his. Winter physically cringed.

Qibli must have seen it and smiled, "Hey buddy, I hope you didn't melt last night!"

"I slept fine..." Winter answered shortly, trying to not give Qibli anything to tease him with.

"Good, I don't want you to melt away like snow," Qibli teased.

Winter sighed and walked down the hall, Qibli following him.

Icicle and Riptide were already down there, eating some type of lizard quietly.

"Is anybody else up?" Winter asked Icicle.

Icicle nodded, swallowing the food in her mouth, "Sunny, Starflight, and Clay all woke up earlier to talk about the other gang here."

Qibli frowned at hearing that.

"Qibli, Thorn said to tell you to come to her tent when you woke up," Icicle said and took another bite out of the lizard, looking like she didn't care for the taste.

Qibli nodded and headed out the door.

He didn't have to walk very far, the place they were staying in was a part of the compound.

He headed inside the tent, Thorn and the others were disusing Vulture.

"Vulture can't be underestimated, he has almost 30 assassins working for him, and who knows how many mercenaries and other goons," Thorn explained to the group.

Thorn looked over to Qibli, "We are discussing what they are going to do for Vulture's compound, I asked you to come here... well you know why."

Qibli nodded and looked at Clay, "What were you guys thinking?"

"We were just originally going to run them out of town and out of their base of operation, but Thorn said that he will just move on to the next town and set up there, he has enough resources to set up wherever he wants," Clay answered.

Qibli nodded again, "And that's correct, he may live in the Scorpion den, but he is probably the richest SandWing alive outside of royalty itself."

"Even if you did somehow run him out, and in a way where he didn't have his money, his assassins are very sought out and he makes money off the mercenaries too," Thorn went on to explain.

"So what should we do?" Starflight asked them.

"In a best-case scenario, Capture Vulture and his daughter Cobra," Thorn answered, "That really is the only way we could stop him for good."

Starflight nodded, "Besides Vulture, is there any real threats inside that we should watch out for?"

Thorn nodded, "Vulture's daughter, she is one of the best assassins in the world."

Clay groaned in annoyance.

Thorn looked at him, "Past experiences?"

Clay nodded, "A couple of months ago, we were helping the SkyWings in their civil war, we were tasked with raiding Scarlet's bunker, and we were... knocked out by one NightWing."

Thorn shook her head, "Hate those black-scaled bastards," She looked at Starflight, "No offense."

"None taken," Starflight said, shrugging his shoulders. He didn't blame her for hating them.

"Either way, Cobra is one of the best, so watch out for her," Thorn said sternly, "and don't underestimate the rest of his goons, most of them are all experienced killers."

Starflight looked over at Stonemover, who was chilling at Thorn's side, and then back to Thorn.

"How come you hate NightWings so much... considering you are married... to one?" Starflight asked confused.

"We are not married yet, we have been talking about it but we both agreed that we weren't ready for it, as for hating them so much." Thorn started, giving a kind smile at Stonemover who mirrored it silently.

"I guess I should specify a bit more, I hate Morrowseer, I hate him and every dragon on the NightWing counsel," Thorn said, digging her talons into her table.

"I hate them because they are the ones that got Sunny taken from me, made Stonemover believe he was going to kill everybody, and who knows how many dragons they have killed to get what they want?"

Starflight nodded, "I can speak for the rest of the group when I say this, we hate Morrowseer too, our prophecy was supposed to be fake for some reason, but we still all were born with powers?" Starflight said.

Stonemover shrugged his shoulders, "Wasn't me, I was in the council when the prophecy was made up, I have no idea why you all have powers."

"Do you know why the NightWings made up our prophecy?" Starflight asked him.

Stonemover shook his head, "No, It was kept a secret between Morrowseer and the Queen Battlewinner."

Thorn shook her head, "Let's get back on track, as much as I would talk about how much I hate my NightWings, we need to deal with Vulture first."

"So how are we going to do this?" Sunny asked her mother.

Thorn looked at her, "Sunny, you said that you all had powers, right?"

Sunny nodded, "Ya, I have the power to heal dragons, such as dad, Clay and his sibs can control stone, Tsunami and Riptide with water, Glory and Sora with plants, Icicle can create animals with her frost breath, and lastly, Anemone and Turtle are both animus's," Sunny finished explaining.

Thorn's eyes were big, let alone the dragons with strange powers, having three animus's in one city was crazy.

Thorn shook her head and opened a compartment in her table and brought out a map of the town.

"It's pretty much up to you, I have no idea how all of you do anything," Thorn said, pointing at an area on the map that was highlighted, "Vultures compound is here, and it takes up the whole city block."

Thorn looked over at Qibli, "I hate to put you in this spot, but you know the compound better than everybody here, and you know what you are doing, do you think you can help lead them?"

Qibli frowned for a second but smiled and nodded, "Just had to go and make me visit family."

"Sorry Qibli, but if this succeeds, we will finally have some true peace in the town," Thorn said guiltily.

Qibli nodded his head, not saying anything, and looked at the three other dragons in the tent, "So how are we doing this?" Qibli started asking, "The quiet way or the loud way?"

Starflight looked at the other two and they all got a wicked grin on their faces.

Wow, I am so sorry that this was a short chapter, but on the bright side, you are going to be getting two chapters a week now! I am going to try to do this as often as I can so we can get to book 2.

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