My Apocalypse

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Hello once again and welcome back to Wings of Power, today is the day folks. We get to watch the dragonets of destiny wipe the floor with scarlet. If you came here to watch a hard Battle between the dragonets and Scarlets forces then you are in for a big disappointment. Again, I recommend to listening to literally any of Metallica's songs for this story except for the slower parts, I will recommend songs for those if I can. I'm going to take inspiration for this chapter with the song My apocalypse running on repeat. Also, if you are wondering what happened to Sky, don't worry that will be answered way way way on in the feature. (Warning there will be gore in this chapter)
The dragonets wasted no time in preparing themselves for their welcoming mission. They were ready in just five minutes. They were all awaiting at the cave entrance waiting for Kestrel to get ready.
"What is taking Kestrel so long? She isn't even going to be fighting in this mission." Asked Tsunami impatiently to everybody else.
"I am willing to bet you Kestrel will do everything in her power to get in on the action, this mission is personal if you don't remember, Scarlet murdered her dragonet and she was supposed to be one of us." answered Starflight "She is more than likely just getting some equipment for the mission."
True to what he was guessing, Kestrel walked into the room wearing older looking armor that had a lot of dust and scratch marks on it. "All righty I'm ready."
"I didn't even know that you had armor Kestrel where did you get it?" Asked Sunny.
"I got it way back when I was still a royal guard to Scarlet. I brought it with me when I defected from the skywings." Answered Kester.
"So, I take it you are going to fight with us?" Asked Tsunami with a knowing grin on her face.
"Oh, Ya I am! I wouldn't miss this for the world, don't worry I will be able to take care of myself, I was one of the greatest warriors of my time under Scarlet." Kestrel said cockily.
Tsunami nodded. "Ok so what is the plan for right now?"
"We don't know yet. I haven't been out of this cave in forever, its usually Webs and Dunes who is getting resources for us. I have no idea what to expect when we get there." Answered Kestrel. "The Spy will be waiting right outside the kingdom for us, when we get there, we are to meet him and he will tell us what to expect and what to look out for."
"Ok, let's get going then." Said Clay
Kestrel nodded and pulled on the lever to the door and the bolder rolled out of the way, as the boulder rolled away the morning light was lighting up the dragonet's scales with natural light for the first time in their life.
They all had huge grins on their face as the outside world was shown to them for the first time. They all ran outside and jumped into the air waiting for Kestrel to join them so she could show them the way. The moment she made it up to them they all turned for the Sky kingdom.
5 hours later
"There it is!" shouted Tsunami to the others with the sky kingdom in sight. The sky kingdom, while not very big, was very extravagant. All the homes and castle were built into the mountains and stood on top of the peaks.
While it was known that the skywings were formidable warriors' race, it shown that they were quite adept at being very great architects being able to build such a huge castle on top of a mountain. No other kingdom compared in placement in their castle in such a place.
They heard a roar right below the area they were flying in. "That's the spy, let's go." Said Kestrel.
They all dove down and landed around a lone skywing, the skywing started to look around at the dragonets and then looked at Kestrel. "This is it? they don't look special at all." said the spy disappointed.
"Trust me, they could kill us so quickly we wouldn't even know it till it happened." Said Kestrel. "They could more than likely be able to wage a war all by themselves and be able to come out on top against any tribe."
The skywing spy looked shocked. "Ok... then, king Gill is locked up in the bottom of Scarlets castle there are guards everywhere in there. There will be no escaping quietly or getting in there quietly."
The more that the spy went on the bigger the grin formed on all the dragonets faces. They have been wanting to truly test themselves out on somebody else forever now.
The spy suddenly started to look worried. "You should know about ... her."
"What do you mean her?" asked Kestrel frowning. "If you're talking about Scarlet, I promise you she won't be a challenge for even the raingwing."
"NO! It's not the queen. It's... it's her champion, her demon." said the Spy afraid that she would appear out of thin air.
"Ohh please, so what a Skywing warrior that only appears every so often is her champion. I promise you that they will be no issue." Said kestrel.
"I wish it was that simple, it's what she can do is what is truly terrifying." said the spy "she was the one Scarlet sent to capture Gill and she did it without even getting a scratch on her, she is just a dragonet."
"She has firescales, if that wasn't bad enough, she can make fire appear at will, it's like she can control them with just a wave of her hand and then you are surrounded by fire and trapped."
All the Dragonets were shocked because that sounded really familiar to something like what they have. Kestrell on the other hand was so shocked because of something else she was realizing.
"How old is she and how is she alive, Skywings have been killing off any skywing born with strange powers?" Asked Kestrel worrying.
"She is six years old. I was there when she was born. Her egg was being stolen by an ice wing on the brightest night we caught the ice wing and had her killed. When the skywing egg hatched that night almost an eighth of the palace was destroyed by the fire that spewed out of her egg." said the spy.
Kestrel stopped listening to him after she heard the part about the Icewing. "She is alive, she is alive and I didn't know it." Kestrel thought to herself.
"Dragonets! We have added on to the target list by one." Kestrel said cutting of the spy.
All the dragonets just nodded understanding at what she was meaning. So didn't the spy.
"You got to be kidding me, you are going to try and kill that thing." she was cut off when Kestrel spun around and slapped him in the face with her tail.
"That thing... is my daughter." Kestrel said whispering to the spy with a dangerous tone.
"Fine then, go get yourselves killed, im out of here." The spy said dismissing what she said as craziness.
Kestrel turned back to the dragonets "So I am thinking that me, Clay, and Tsunami goes after my daughter, and that Sunny, Starflight, and Glory goes after the King."
All the dragonets nodded to each other. "Sounds good to me," said Clay.
"Good let's go kick some ass!" Said Kestrel excitedly launching up first. All the dragonets launched up into the air heading for the kingdom.
It didn't even take 5 minutes for guards to come to try and meat them. Everybody already agreed that that weren't going in with a stealth approach... the guards had no idea what happened to them.
Two vines shot straight up into the air bursting out of the ground under the two skywing guards. The vines wrapped around the guards back feet and dragged them down to the earth and their heads hit the ground knocking them out cold.
The dragonets and Kestrel kept on flying like nothing ever happened, and kept on their way to the castle.
They only had one more incident with guards on their way to the castle and it was handled in the same way as last time. When they made it to the entrance of the palace Clay quickly landed on the balcony that you were supposed to land on and quickly knocked out the two guards by having two big blunt pillars of rock burst out of the ground and hit both of the guards in the head.
The other dragonets and Kestrel landed right behind him. "Ok, this is where we split for a little bit, we are going to meat back at the cave ok." Ordered Kestrel. All the dragonets just nodded again.
With Clays group
They immediately started charging down the castle hallway not stopping for anything. Two guards crossed their path and immediately regretted that decision.
Clay had a piece of the floor come up and trap the guard on the left by slamming him up into the wall and trapping him there. Tsunami got the other one by doing something very similar with her just knocking the other guy out by blasting the side of the guard's head with a jet of water knocking him out cold.
They went unbothered all the way up until they made it to the throne room door. The two guards there met the same fate as the others.
"Allright, be prepared for anything there could be who knows how many guards in there." Kestrel warned. "Also remember that my daughter could be in there and she is just as dangerous as you guys are, Lest Go!"
They burst down the door and they saw something that they were not prepared for.
Scarlet was terrified with a strange dragon backing her into a corner where she couldn't get away, with fire all around them.
Half an hour ago
Peril was pissed, she had a revelation just a few minutes ago that made her realize that her whole life up until this moment was a lie. Scarlet was going to pay.
"i didn't need to eat those black rocks at all, Scarlet had and still has no power over me. She probably only poisoned the food I was eating that wasn't the black rocks and had the antidote placed on the black rocks to make it seem like I needed them." she thought to herself.
Peril realized just moments ago that she didn't eat a single black rock on her mission to catch the king of the seawings.
"What should I do now... all the dragons I killed just because I was falsely threatened by Scarlet, what am I going to do to her?" Peril thought to herself. "i know exactly what I will do, she will tell me everything that was a lie to me and I will make her suffer the fate I have made others suffer because of her."
The moment she was done with those thoughts, Peril started her way up the stairs to go to the throne room where Scarlet was almost always at.
The guards guarding the throne room let her right in none the wiser on what was going on and not wanting to ask about why Peril was there.
They let Peril right in and Scarlet looked at her confused. "I didn't summon you here, why are you here?" Scarlet asked her confused.
"Nobody did summon me here, I came here on my own free will... and that is how it is going to be for now on." Peril answered in a dangerous tone.
Scarlet did not like the tone of voice she was talking to her with. "Peril watch what you say or I will make shore you don't get any black rocks for the rest of the WEEK!" Scarlet said angrily.
Peril shut her up by jumping right Infront of her and stood dangerously close to Scarlet. "And that is where you are wrong Scarlet, you see... I will admit you are pretty smart... but you made one poor, poor decision when you had me go after Gill." Peril said to Scarlet who was starting to realize her poorly made mistake.
"You let me out without having me bring any black rocks with me and I was gone for almost a whole week and I never got sick once, not even a little bit." Peril said angrily. "And now, for once in my life I am going to get something I have always wanted."
Scarlet was slowly inching backwards as far as she could in her throne, fearing for her life she asked "And what would that be?"
Peril got an evil grin on her face "You are going to tell me the one thing that I have always wanted to know, if you answerer everything I have a question for I might just spare your life."
"Now first question, why did you keep me alive, I know very well that skywings kill any dragonet born with any strange powers or deformities, and don't bullshit me with like, because I care?" Asked Peril.
"This is a question with a long answer... Have you ever heard of the dragonets of destiny?" Asked Scarlet.
"I have heard of them before, but I don't know much about them, all I know is that they are supposed to be a group of five that is supposed to stop the war." Perils said confused on what that has to do with her.
"Well to simply put it... You are a dragonet of destiny." Said Scarlet
"What... do you mean I am a dragonet of destiny?" said Peril with even more confusion.
"On the night you were born, we caught a intruder trying to steal your egg, we all new that the brightest night the dragonets of destiny were supposed to hatch and we knew that they needed a skywing egg so we were guarding the hatchery extra tightly that night, we also knew that your egg was supposed to hatch that night." Said Scarlet.
"Ok so, I was hatched on the brightest night and my egg was almost stolen, that doesn't mean I am a dragonet of destiny." said Peril in denial.
"Trust me... when you hatched it was one of the craziest days in history of this palace." Scarlet said confidently. "The moment your egg started to hatch fire was spewing all around your egg, and the floor was superheated till it was lava all around your egg, also there was reported earthquakes, floods, and other strange things going on all around the place."
To say Peril was shocked would be an understatement. "So, what you are saying is... I was supposed to be born to end the war and make peace with all the tribes... but you kept me from that just so you could have a freaking death machine that you could flaunt me around knowing who and what I was." Peril was now even more angry than when she got here.
"I'm not going to kill you bet you are still definitely going to suffer to what you done to me and what you had me do to others." Peril said pissed off.
"What do you mea-" Scarlet was cut off when Peril suddenly shot her hand forward and barely poked Scarlets tong
Right before Peril had done this the door was flung open with three dragons looking at what was happening with confusion at what Peril had just done.
But what was done was done. Scarlet started to scream bloody murder with her mouth pouring out fire like she was trying to shoot fire but none was coming out. She suddenly passed out from the pain of her tong being burnt off.
Peril pleased at what the outcome was turned around to look at who the intruders were. "And who might you be?".
The mudwing looked at her in shock at what she had done. "We... we are the dragonets of destiny.
Peril was once again shocked this day. She was now staring at the group she was supposed to be with but was denied. "My name... is Peril."
Sorry, this took so long to upload, I have been trying to upload about on a weekly schedule, I wanted to upload this two days ago but I went and stayed the night at a friend's house to hang out with him then it was my little sister's birthday party. I hope you like the chapter.

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