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Principal Williams POV

Another week passed since Dawn woke up. The first time she opened her eyes as Dawn I felt like my life went back to normal. After weeks of waiting she finally came back and I have Raven to thank for that. I knew she did her best to make Dawn come back. Dawn then explained to us why she was gone and that she was trapped in her subconscious with no memories. It's like it's her mind's way of protecting Dawn from further pain. Another thing she told us is that she almost got trapped there for good. If that happened we would never have seen her again. The thought of losing her for good gave me chills and indescribable fear and pain. I'm glad that didn't happen.

After that, things slowly began to go back to normal. I was beyond relief to finally have her back to me. Dawn is recovering really well though she's still not allowed to leave the hospital since the wound in her shoulder still hasn't healed yet. Now that's left is what to do with that bastard and I think now is the time to talk to her about that matter.

"Do you want to eat an apple?" I asked her and she nodded her head. I took the apple from the plastic and immediately peeled and sliced it for her. "I was actually thinking. Since you're recovering quite well. I want to know what you want to do with that man" I added feeding her a slice.

She just sat there and stayed quiet as she stares at me. Is my timing perhaps wrong? I just thought that this is the right time to discuss this since it's just the two of us here. "A quick death won't suffice, what I want is for him to slowly rot in prison for the rest of his pathetic life. Aside from that you can do whatever you want with him" she finally said with such cold tone I almost felt chills down my spine.

"As you wish. I'll make sure to make him pay before I put him in prison." I said and she just nodded her head. "Do you want to come with me? You don't need meet him if you don't want to. You can just wait for me in my office"

"I never want to see his face again...but I'll come and wait for you" she said and I can't help but smile. Eventhough she doesn't want to see that bastard she was considerate enough to agree and come for my sake. "What?" she asked but I didn't say anything instead I kissed her lips. She was surprised at first but it didn't take her long to kiss me back.

I pulled away and chuckled when she hit my shoulder. "Sorry. Can't help it" I said smiling at her who just rolled her eyes.

"Seriously. You really love doing this"

"I guess I do." I admitted hugging her and nuzzling my face on her neck. She hummed in reply and we stayed in that position for a while.

The next day Dawn and I went to the main office where that bastard is currently being confined. "I haven't asked you this but why did you go back to your house that day?" I asked glancing at her. I never asked her the reason, not until today it's because she's still recovering and I don't want to pressure her but now I felt the urge to finally open that topic.

"I left something important there so I went back to get it" she replied.

"What's so important that you almost risked your life to get it?" If it has anything to do with her mother and sister then I guess I can understand that since that's the only reason I could think of for her to go back there. I caught her purse her lips. It seems like she's hesitating to say the reason. "It's okay if you can't te-"

"I went back to get the keychain you gave me and also to retrieve the other things I left there" she cut me off.

I was touched that she cared for the gift I gave her but to risk her life just for those things? "As for the keychain I could just make a new one for you. Why would you endanger yourself for that?" I'm clearly upset and I know she knows that too.

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