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How annoying.

It's early in the morning and I was called right away in the principal's office. Great. Isn't this the best day of my life. Tsk.

What did I do now? Did Miss Peters perhaps reported to the principal that I didn't participate during PE? but why would she report me to the principal when I've been exempted every PE classes... or maybe that old fat jerk told him about my situation. I'm not saying about my family situation but my alter ego. It's the only thing the school knows about which they still took as a joke until today. They still think I'm being like this because I needed attention.

Well, I don't care whether they believe me or not. I don't need any validation from them since they've been oblivious of my true situation for years until now which I don't exactly mind because they are not worth the truth. They can stay uncaring and oblivious for all I care.

I knocked on the door before opening it and there I saw the principal moving around the office, arranging her things. Today she's wearing something rather fancy, well technically she always gives off that kind of rich and fancy vibe whether through the way she dresses or moves. Hair tied in a neat bun, royal blue long sleeves tucked in a clean white slacks. This simply proves that this woman is born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Must be nice to have such lavish and privileged life.

She turned around and then smiled at me. I still don't like her kind smile and that brown eyes that always seems to shine for no reason. It's uncomfortable. I'm used to receiving cold stares and glares in this school so having this one person act kindly towards me is something I won't be able to get used to.

"Please take a sit first Miss Martin" she said still smiling as she took her sit.

I didn't respond and just sat on the chair across her table. I just want to get this over with...whatever that is I did wrong.

"Do you have any idea why I called you here?" she started.

"Geez. I'm not sure. Would you care to enlighten me?" I said my words dripping with sarcasm.

She smiled again and honestly I would rather receive anger and annoyance from her than this. It's like her kindness is way more threatening than a person's anger. I hate it. "Among the students here you're the only one who has a pretty unusual record"

"And your point is?"

"I just wanted to make sure you won't do anything troubling until you graduate....considering that you're kind of a special case" she explained carefully saying the last part as if she's worried I might get offended.

"Special case you say, more like a common unfair treatment, I'd say" I murmured.

"Excuse me?"

"Did that retarded piece of shit put you up to this?!" I stood up looking straight in her eyes. I don't have any idea what that idiot told her exactly but one thing is for sure I don't want any help from her or from anyone. Especially not from this wretched school.

"I'm sorry what?" she asked baffled. I guess she won't get it right away that who I meant is that old jerk. It took her a few seconds before she  finally realized what I meant. "I don't know why you called Mr. Stevens that way but I won't tolerate such crude use of words" she said furrowing her eyebrows.

The door opened before I can say anything back and just my luck it was the jerk we were just talking about. Why is he still in this school? Can't he just vanish completely.

"Laina!!" he exclaimed smiling brightly then his eyes landed on me and his expression immediately changed. "Seeing you're here, I guess you really can't hide you true colors" he said walking towards me with a smug look on his face.

I clenched my teeth while looking in his eyes. I swear I want punch this asshole's face right at this moment. Goosebumps filled my nape and I knew right away that Raven is furious. He hates this jerk as much as I do.

"Why are you suddenly quiet? Aren't you going to show how tough you are" he mocked.

"Mr. Stevens that's enough" the principal interfered but none of us felt the need to break eye contact let alone stop provoking each other.

"I don't know why such pathetic girl like you was able to get in my school. You don't deserve to be here. You're nothing but a trash who tarnishes the school's image"

"Mr. Stevens!" was all I heard from the principal before I got pulled in and Raven took over.

'What did you just say you fucking bastard?!!' I shouted angrily grabbing the collar of his shirt then punched his fucking face. Blood dripped from my fist as he staggered backwards holding his bleeding nose. Serves him right.

"You bitch!!" he shouted angrily but his anger immediately turned to panic when I walked towards him. I've been holding myself back from beating the shit out of this asshole, all because Dawn doesn't want to make things worse but today is the last straw. I'm done holding back. He had stepped on Dawn for too long so now I'll make him pay for everything he has done. I'll never forgive him for discarding and mistreating Dawn.

Anger burned in my eyes as I looked at this pathetic roach. My anger only elevated when I remembered the time he molested Dawn, I was beyond furious when he touched her. I could've killed him if he did further than just touching her. He's a sick and disgusting bastard. He deserves to die just like that other asshole who ruined our life.

I raised my fist to punch him again when the principal appeared in between us. "Calm down Miss Martin" she said gently raising both her hands in front to stop me. She looked surprisingly calm despite all the chaos.

'Step aside. I'm not done with this fat geezer' I said clenching both my teeth and fist.

"You've done enough. You know what will happen if you hurt him further"

'I don't care!! He insulted Dawn and I won't sit still anymore knowing everything he did brought nothing but suffering to Dawn' I shouted. I know I'm being reckless but right now I'm being clouded by rage that it's hard for me to think clearly.

"Are you Raven?" she asked looking intently at me.

"Don't believe whatever that bitch is saying, she's lying" the jerk said.

I reached out to him but the principal pulled me aside. 'Let go of me' I said harshly removing her arms around me. 'If I see you here again or anywhere near Dawn I'll end you and this time I'll make sure you won't get away from it' I pointed at him which made him gulp from fear sensing how real my threat is.

I turned my back but the principal called me. 'l don't need your charity nor your pity so mind you own business and piss off'

I don't want to come clean just to please anyone and I especially don't want to gain anyone's favor. All that matters to me is the well-being of Dawn and if I have to be the bad guy just to protect Dawn then so be it. She doesn't deserve any of this. She worked hard and endured for a long time and I don't want to ruin her hardship. I'll protect her no matter what. She's all I have left. She's the only thing that matters. Eventhough I'm nothing but just an alter ego she created.

Unlike others who thought I'm nothing but a defective personality. Dawn treated me like a real individual. She respected and accepted me. That's the only thing I need.

My body warmed up and I instantly calmed down knowing that Dawn is comforting me. We might not hear each other's exact thoughts but we feel and we know and that alone is enough for us to understand each other's troubles, feelings and thoughts.

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