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My morning was consist with an aching body and stinging legs. I was barely able to get out of bed, let alone even move around. Every movement took me a lot of effort and the pain I felt whenever I move felt like torture. By the looks of my situation it's plain as day that I suffered this much damage after I didn't gave him some money. Just a couple of days after the meeting happened that bastard came back. And it's already expected how terrible his state is and how sensitive he is especially when he found out I was empty-handed. Raven as always dealt with all the firsthand beatings while I on the other hand dealt with the remaining damage that good for nothing piece of bastard inflicted.

I checked my calves in the mirror and the horrible reddening marks left from all the lashing that bastard did last night made me grit my teeth in anger. I carefully applied some ointment on the wounds then I gently wrapped my legs with bandages. The wounds on my calves are too many that I had to bandage almost my entire legs.

I changed into my baggy shirt and ever so slowly took off my shorts and wore some sweatpants just to cover the bandages. I took a deep breath before trailing my way downstairs. Every step I took all the way to the kitchen made me wince and limp hopelessly. I honestly want to scream and cuss but I'm trying not let my emotion get the best of me.

There's no way I'm going to school in this state let alone go to work. So I have no choice but to stay at home until I can walk properly again. Limping won't do me any help. It will only make me look even more pathetic.

He's not here anymore so I'm guessing he left right away last night since he didn't get anything from me. I would love it if he never comes back... ever. Yet despite how he wastes his life drinking, strangely he's still able to come back in one piece just like a cockroach who won't die that easily. I'd rejoice if ever he's nothing but a cold corpse the next time I see him.

"What should I do now?" I muttered to myself tearing open the plastic of the bread then took a bite.

Looking around the empty and lifeless house make think about mom and sister all of the sudden. Maybe I should pay them a visit. It's been months since I last visited them. Might as well do it today since I don't have anything else to do. I'll buy some flowers and maybe a few snacks so I can eat it with them.

I packed my things in a small backpack and left the house. I went to a nearby flower shop, there's not much flowers there since it's only a small shop but it's better than nothing. After that I bought some snacks in the convenience store and made my way to the cemetery which is located in the farthest part of the town.

Mostly walking all the way to the cemetery takes me 20 minutes max but with my current situation. It'll probably take me half an hour or more before I can reach my destination.

I kept limping everytime I take a step that I had to lean to every tree I pass by just so I could rest and catch my breath. It's a good thing that this part of the town is mostly filled with trees.

Taking a deep breath I continued to trudge ahead. Slowly and carefully I trailed the path to the cemetery. I'll just take my time walking since I have the whole day, I don't have to worry about anything else. I just need to put more effort for mom and sister.

Raven still hasn't woken up yet so I can't make her take over. Though I don't think I would want her to wake her up to take over, not after what happened last night. She's obviously exhausted so it's better to let her rest for a long as she can. It's the least I could do for her. I'll only wake her up once we're at the cemetery, that way she'll get to see mom and sister again.

After what felt like ages finally I have reached the cemetery. Tombstones popped one by one as I made my way to the gate. Grandma Merry the caretaker of the cemetery greeted me with a warm smile the moment she saw me. She's the only person here in the neighborhood who really cared about me, that's the reason why I feel like she's really my grandmother. "Dawn dear. It's been so long since I last saw you. I'm glad you came to visit again" she said her wrinkled hand holding mine tenderly.

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