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It started with a skip of a heartbeat until it turned into rapid beating to the point that it's almost suffocating.

I've been feeling this abnormality in my body for quite some time now and all of this is because of a single smile from the principal. I always see her smiling but why does her smile somehow hits differently today than from back then. These days she looked more radiant and stunning whenever I see her and it's making my heart beat like crazy. Yesterday I was able to suppress myself but I don't have the slightest idea why everything about her hits differently today.

What is happening to me? Why am I palpitating abnormally everytime I see the principal? It wasn't like this back then so why am I feeling antsy all of the sudden. Whatever the reason why this is happening to me. I don't like it. I don't like it at all. It's like the normalcy I usually felt suddenly turned to chaos out of nowhere.

All I can do is glare at the woman responsible for all this who is standing just outside my classroom and talking with my teacher. I'm still puzzled as to how this woman scrambled my feelings. It's only been more than a month since she got designated as the new principal so it's still a mystery how she got me wrapped up in the palm of her hand in such short time. But of course it's still not enough for her to get past me.

"Dawn the principal is requesting your assistance. You better not do anything stupid" the teacher said trying to threaten me with her eyes.

I glanced at the principal who secretly smiled at me before I stood and walked passed my teacher but of course not without giving her a side eye. She didn't expect that I'll do that, that she didn't have time to react. How amusing.

Once we're all alone in the hallway, the principal took the initiative to break the silence between us. I already figured she'd do that. "What's with the deadly glare back there? Did I do something wrong? You look like you're going to kill me on the spot" she anxiously bombarded me with questions though her last sentence sounded almost humorous.

I remained silent. I don't intend tell her the truth behind my hatred towards her. It's better to give her the benefit of the doubt for now.

"What's going on with you? Why are you being hostile all of the sudden?" she asked once again in a low and gentle voice. I turned my head to my side and glared at her. "See. You're doing it again. I honestly don't know what I did wrong for you to be like this"

"What exactly did you call me for" I stopped walking. I know it's obvious that I'm diverting the topic on purpose but I don't care.

She frowned and stopped walking as well. "Did perhaps something happened?" she asked softly then sighed when I kept silent. "Anyways I have good news. I know you don't want to join the field trip so I took the liberty to add you in the list. Don't worry I got both the payment and your allowance covered"

She what??? She's saying it like it's a good thing when it's definitely not for me. I threw her a look of disbelief and confusion before I finally released a frustrated breath "you can't keep making excuses to call me and console me all you want as if everything is going to be fine...because it won't" I blurted looking straight in her eyes which were clearly hurt. The expression she's wearing immediately made me look away. "Can we just get this over with. I don't even wanna talk about what you did for adding me on that field trip....I'm so sick of this routine now" I didn't wait for her response and just continued walking even though I don't have any idea where I'm heading.

After our unpleasant conversation none of us dared to speak as we search for the decorations for the upcoming graduation. I'm not sure why we're looking for it so early when the graduation is still a few weeks away.

Deafening silence engulfed the storage room. I silently prayed that we find what we're looking for as soon as possible because the atmosphere around us is just too suffocating.

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