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Of all the activities to include in this field trip why does it have to be museum visit. Not trying to be a hater or anything but I just think that this kind of activity is boring and a bit outdated now.

Nevertheless I'll let this slide since I'm not allowed to leave otherwise I won't be here forcing myself to look around with neither excitement nor interest.

Canvases filled with either an ocean scenery or landscapes are mostly seen hanging on the wall. Based on the paintings I've seen so far, I'm guessing there's a beach somewhere in this area and I have a hunch that we'll soon go there as well since why not. The ocean is obviously one of the famous tourist spots here and knowing how predictable and simple the teachers are, I know for sure that they'll include the beach as one of the location to visit in this field trip.

While looking around by myself, a painting suddenly caught my attention. It was a painting of a wounded american robin that is perched on a branch. At first glance it may look like a normal painting of a majestic bird but if you look closely you'll notice that despite how wounded it was, its eyes never showed any hint of weakness instead its eyes hold such strong and unwavering gaze. Exactly like a tempest lurking underneath a calm ocean. Breathtaking yet deadly. The scene is so captivating that I didn't even notice the principal standing beside me not until she cleared her throat.

"I would appreciate it a lot if you give me some peace and space for even just a couple of hours" I sighed.

"Isn't that a bit too excessive? Besides it's difficult watching you all by yourself"

"Then close your eyes" I replied sarcastically, giving her a side eye "I'm perfectly fine by myself. It's way peaceful and relaxing this way"

"You really don't know how to slow down with your words. You can be way too harsh sometimes" she said with her hand on her chest as she gave me a wounded look and all I did is shrug. I'm not so sure if who's the real student between us with her acting like this.

After that our conversation was cut short since we had to leave now and eat lunch at a cafe near our hotel. Once again I'm in the principal's car. Honestly this now feels like I'm receiving special treatment from the principal. This is getting troublesome. Let's just hope I survive this field trip without any casualties. My body warmed up and I immediately calmed down thanks to Raven's comfort.

The food and ambiance in the diner is satisfactory just minus the group of baboons I'm with. It was nothing special but it was great. Once we were done with lunch the teachers gave us some time to look around the place though we're only allowed to roam in the shops near the hotel where we're staying. The students who were eager to check out every place here quickly left while others rested in their rooms and that includes me as well. However I immediately regretted my decision. I should've known the principal would be here as well.

I sighed inwardly before taking a sit on the sofa. "Let me guess you want to ask me something" I said looking at her who is now staring at me expectantly. She nodded her head but didn't say anything. It's like she suddenly got embarrassed or hesitant to ask. If she keeps doing this our break time will be over before she even musters the courage to say something.

"About what happened yesterday in the storage room" she started. Man I've never seen her this nervous before.

"What about it?" my nonchalant question made the principal furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean what about it? Are you telling me it was all nothing and that it was an accident??" she blurted standing up from the bed.

Why is she getting so worked up and...accident? I never said it was an accident. "I thought you're just my teacher. Why are you reacting this much?" I said standing up as well. What I said caught her off guard. She opened her mouth to respond but only ended up closing it again.

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