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"What would you like to do? Do you have anything in mind?" the principal asked me.

"I don't have the slightest idea what to do or where to go on a date" I retorted. I caught her smile after hearing me say date while she looks ahead driving. It actually feels weird coming from my mouth.

After sorting things out yesterday, the principal thought it was a good idea to go on a date the next day. At first I was against it since she still has work and people might see us but she was so persistent saying that I shouldn't worry about her work and that we can go to the city or farther where people doesn't know us. So with her never-ending insistence it's expected that I eventually gave in. Besides these days it's kinda hard to refuse her though there are still instances where she can't win against me.

"You don't have anything in mind? Not even one?" she asked.

"I already told you I don't have anything in mind since I've never been in one" She smiled again and honestly I'm starting to think that she finds this situation funny or maybe amusing. "It's not that obvious that you're really enjoying this" I added sarcastically.

She shook her head trying to feign ignorance but the amused smile she's wearing is just too obvious. "I don't know what you're talking about" she denied though her smile never left her lips.

"I doubt that" I murmured looking outside the window.

Where does she plan to take me anyway? I sighed inwardly. I don't think I'm even prepared for this date. All I'm wearing is a hoodie, jeans and shoes while the principal on the other hand looks too glamorous with her white turtle neck tucked in black slacks and white heels which by the way only made her tower over me even more, she also topped her turtle neck with a black suit jacket. She's clearly giving off a rich and fashionable aura. Quite perfect appearance, her only downside is having me by her side. It's not like I can freely wear anything flashy, not with all these scars, wounds and bruises scattered in my body.

And for the first time in my life I felt insecure and angry for having a damaged body.

What a way to ruin the mood. I shouldn't overthink about these kind of things when the principal doesn't even look the slightest bothered with my appearance. I mean she's humming cheerfully while driving as if this is the greatest day of her life. It would be better not to ruin that happy mood she has. "Is something on my face?" she asked. I must've been staring too long at her.

"Nothing. You're fine." I quickly replied looking back outside the window.

She hummed in reply and I swear from my peripheral vision I saw her break into a smile again. Goodness that smile would definitely not leave her lips for the rest of the day. I felt a lot more awful now. I need to clear things in my mind. "I didn't know you have a cute habit of staring at my face" she teased.

"In your dreams" though she's not entirely wrong there but it's not like I'll admit that. I can say cold, harsh and rude remarks with ease but saying or even admitting embarrassing things like this is kinda alien to me.

"By the way I never once heard you call me either Miss Williams or even my name" she asked all of the sudden. "Why don't you try calling my name. I want to hear you say it" she added.

Actually she's not the only one who I don't address with their name. I just simply am not fond of calling people their names and maybe I just got used with that kind of routine after a long time. "I don't want to"

"Come on. Just give it a try. Please" she glanced at me and gave me puppy eyes.

" can't" I admitted. It feels different to try to say her name. "Don't try to talk me out of this. I'm still not used to addressing people with their names" I added.

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