The Patient Fighter poem

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I wrote this poem as a sort of anthem for how I view winning and losing. Now that I've gotten more mature, I can handle defeat more gracefully than when I was younger.

This poem was also featured in the Season 6 rewrite as a coping mechanism for Electra, given that, before Chapter 26, she hated losing with a burning passion.

She wrote the first stanza after what happened to Flora on Lymphea.

Let the losses mold and shape me,
For victory comes in the waiting.
Let not revenge become my lighter,
But help me to be a patient fighter.

After punching Valtor in his mouth, Electra wanted revenge for what he did to Flora. But after Aisha (and Roger) told her that she needed to wait for the right time to strike, she took the advice and decided to write this poem.

Electra wrote the second stanza after the events at Zaltora.

In the face of defeat,
To revenge let me not retreat.
Let patience be my soul's desire,
And let me be a patient fighter.

When Valtor left with the magic of Zaltora, Electra was mad, but she didn't let her anger get to her. She knew that it wasn't the right time yet, and decided to keep waiting.

She wrote the final stanza after finally defeating Valtor. This last stanza is her new anthem (and mine too).

I love to win, not hate to lose;
This is the mindset that I choose.
I won't let vengeance be my lighter
Because I am a patient fighter.

After the many losses Electra experienced, she didn't want to hang on to her old vengeful ways. Now, she loves winning more than she hates losing. Sure, she has her moments of anger, but she knows how to control it.

And so do I.


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