Chapter 4: The Passion Within

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"What? One of those fairies just got a new power," Hecate exploded.
"Yes," Valtor replied. "I can tell."
"And I heard it was called 'Pyrix'."
"A power born of the dragon fire. The power is so strong that not even dark Enchantix powers can withstand its fury."
"I wish Zarathustra and I could have that power."
"Well, you can." Valtor shared a spark of his flame with Hecate and Zarathustra. "I give you...dark Pyrix!" The two witches transformed. The outfits were similar to Enchantix, but without wings and more sexy looking. Hecate wore a burgundy off-the-shoulder crop top and a short skirt accompanied by silk blue gloves and a red tiara. Zarathustra wore a purple dress similar to Flora, black gloves and an amethyst tiara.
"These outfits are sexy!" Zarathustra said arrogantly.
"We love them! Thanks V," Hecate added.
Valtor looked through the magical lens, examining Aisha closely. "Aisha is impulsive, impatient, and runs the risk of losing her temper. I know how to get to her." He turned to a cauldron. He waved his hands over a boiling mixture and a clone of Aisha floated out. "Go to Aisha and see how long her patience lasts with the tests you will throw at her!"

At Aisha's gym, all eight girls were lined up for magic martial arts training. Aisha stepped up. "Alright girls. Today's the start of a series of martial arts courses to prepare for the next battle against Valtor. The first course is about finding the inner shout. The shout is the most powerful tool in defeating an opponent. Allow me to demonstrate." She stood in front of a target and transformed into Enchantix.

"Plasma Magic Bolt! Hiyah!" Aisha shouted. The attack got fired twice as hard.
"Whoa!" Stella gasped in astonishment.
"Because you shouted, the intensity of the attack increased by two hundred percent!" Tecna observed.
"Impressive," Musa said.
"Your turn, Flora," Aisha said, returning to normal. "It doesn't have to be a big shout. The intensity is what matters."
Flora transformed into Enchantix.

"Nature Dust! Ugh!" Flora shouted.
"Great job, Flora," Electra commented.

After training, the girls decided to take a trip to Andros. Stella used the sword ring to teleport there.
"Welcome to my home, Roxy," Aisha gestured.
"Wow, it's beautiful!" Roxy complimented.
"Let me introduce you to my parents. King Teredor and Queen Niobe. They were the ones who held the ceremony for me leveling up in power."
"Your majesties."
"Welcome, Roxy," King Teredor said.
"You girls can walk around," Aisha said. "I need some time alone—huh?" She turned around to see a replica of herself. The shadow smiled an evil smile.
"Hello, Aisha," it said.
"Who are you?" Aisha demanded.
"I'm an assistant from Valtor, but you can call me Dark Aisha," Dark Aisha replied.
"Valtor! I knew it," Aisha snapped indignantly. "What do you want from me?"
"Nothing, just to play with you for a while."
"We'll see about that! Enchantix!"
Aisha started transforming, but Dark Aisha stopped the process, returning her to normal.
"You are always so angry," Dark Aisha mocked. "You always itch for a fight, little realizing what you're doing."
Aisha, red in the face, was about to throw a punch at Dark Aisha, but Electra held her back. "Don't do it," she cautioned. "Breathe. Don't let your impulses control you. Think before you act."
"Okay," Aisha replied. She took a few deep breaths and thought for a moment.
Then she had an idea.
"Wall of Water!" Aisha created a wall of water to block Dark Aisha from attacking. However, the wall didn't hold up.
"Pathetic," Dark Aisha taunted, blasting Aisha with a gust of wind. She fell backwards.
"Aisha!" Musa exclaimed. "Are you ok?"
Aisha got up from the ground, burning with anger.
"I have a feeling that this is going to be a long fight," Roxy sighed.

Valtor saw the fight through the magical lens, smiling dubiously. "Get pulverized, Aisha," he smirked. "You don't stand a chance."
"Seems like your plan is working well," Hecate remarked.
"Indeed it is. Let's continue watching and see how Aisha holds up. This is gonna be great."

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