Chapter 16: Lacking Fire

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"I can't believe that Flora was petrified by Valtor!" Electra snapped. "I want revenge. He deserves to pay for his mistakes."
"I know how you feel," Aisha replied. "But we can't let those vengeful feelings cloud our judgment. If we strike now, it would be a mistake. We have to wait until the right moment. Then we can get revenge on Valtor."
"You're right."
"But hey! At least Flora got the Pyrix transformation in the process," Stella perked up, trying to lighten the mood.
Bloom felt something strange. She became dizzy and fell to the ground.
"Bloom! Are you alright?"
"I feel weak," Bloom replied. "I need to go to Domino."
Aisha created a stretcher out of water. Stella used the ring of Solaria to teleport Bloom to Domino.
"Hope you feel better soon," Musa said, waving goodbye.
Aisha looked at Flora. "Flora, if you can hear me, we will find a way to free you from this petrified state."
"We will get revenge on Valtor," Electra added, anger bubbling up within her.
"You can count on us "

"Those girls want to get revenge on me?" Valtor smirked. "Ooh, I'm shivering in my shift."
"You have to be careful, though," Hecate cautioned. "Those Pyrix fairies are difficult to beat. They're getting stronger each day."
"Those twits don't stand a chance against me. I've stolen the magic spells of Selinnia, Energy City, Zenith, and Lymphea. It won't be long before I become the most powerful wizard in the entire magical universe!"
Laughs resonated throughout the halls of Cloud Tower.

Bloom arrived in Domino. Her mom, Queen Marion, saw her daughter, completely drained of energy.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" she asked.
"No," Bloom replied. "I feel so weak. I need to go to the Vortex of Flames to regain strength."
Lori, Bloom's sibling, overheard the conversation and rushed to the door. "We need to help Bloom get her powers back," she said urgently. "Valtor could be here any moment."

Valtor heard Lori's comment and had an idea. He opened a special magical book called The Legendarium, and read the story of how the Vortex of Flames was created.
"It says here that the Vortex of Flames is a very powerful place," he read. "Since its creation thousands of years ago, it has been created to test the dragon fire. Its magic is so strong, not even Bloom can stand against it. The vortex is also home to fire eaters. They were created to protect the vortex from intruders. But now, I'm going to use them to overwhelm Bloom!"
"Good idea," Hecate replied.
"Arise, fire eaters! Obliterate Bloom and that pesky fairy Lori!"

After drinking some herbal tea, Bloom started to feel a little bit better. Suddenly, the ground shook aggressively, causing her to fall backwards.
"What is that?" Queen Marion asked.
"Fire eaters," Lori replied. "They live in the Vortex of Flames, and they are out to get Bloom. Hurry! Let's transform."
Lori transformed into her base transformation, and Bloom transformed into Enchantix.

"Lori transformed into her base transformation, and Bloom transformed into Enchantix

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"Let's blast them!" Bloom shouted. "Fire Ray!" A beam of fire struck a monster, but it absorbed the attack.
"They're immune to fire magic," Lori said. "This should slow them down. Esteem Blast!" A burst of blue light knocked a monster backward.
"Nice shot, Lori!"
As they were speaking, a fire eater shot flames out of its mouth.
"Bloom, watch out!" Lori stood in front of Bloom to protect her from the flames, but she was burned. She lay on the ground, drained of energy.
"Lori, no!"
Suddenly, a blue aura surrounded Lori, and she transformed into Enchantix.

"Lori, no!"Suddenly, a blue aura surrounded Lori, and she transformed into Enchantix

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"You look beautiful!" Bloom complimented. "By risking your life to save me, you earned your Enchantix powers! Looks like we're evenly matched."
"Now let's show these fire eaters who is in charge!" Lori replied. "Confident Connection!" A light blue pulse of energy destroyed the monsters. She and Bloom cheered as they returned to normal.

"No!!" Valtor exclaimed. "They defeated those monsters! Let's see what happens when I shake things up a bit."



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