chapter 28: Unraveling hearts

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Riksh's Pov:

So finally I'm going on a date...?..
I never thought of dating after what happened last time.. or before that..

Every relationship I ever been to was a failure and somehow it's always me who gets hurt in the end..

Since the beginning of my dating life kim has always protected me and helped me.. so I think that she deserves to know about this one as well...

Starts Texting kim*

Riksh: Hey..
Kim: Hi!
Riksh: So.. umm.. look
Kim: yes?..
Riksh: yea.. so I'm going on a date and-
Riksh: Chill! She looks like a nice person..
Kim: Seriously?... You said that last time and before that and before that as well..
Riksh: I know but this time I wasn't the one who asked..
Kim: Wait.. really? Damn..
What's her name
Riksh: June Park
Kim: Ah.. June!
Riksh: You know her?
Kim: Yes Yes.. she was in my batch when I was in Harvard..
Riksh: Why didn't you tell me about her?
Kim: That time I wanted to introduce you to her but couldn't because she was in a really bad phase of her life... A week before her graduation she had lost her parents in a car accident...
Riksh: Oh..
Kim: Look she is a really nice person.. but she's sensitive about this topic so don't bring this topic unless she shares it herself..
Riksh: Sure..

Later at the Cafe*

June: Hi!
Riksh: hey-(Blushes hard)

June: You ok?
Riksh: You look divine..

June: chuckles* thankyou..

June was wearing a light blue silk dress with a soft furry mini sweater with a mini pearl necklace. It was the first time Riksh had seen her with her hairs open and truly she looked divine in her new look

June: So what do you wanna eat?
Riksh: Eat?
June: yea.. why?
Riksh: it's the first time I'm seeing a girl asking to order food instead of a drink..
June: Ah.. sorry.. actually I didn't get to eat breakfast or lunch today because of my busy schedule so I'm really hungry..
Riksh: No no it's completely fine!.. Actually I like how open you are.. and yes let's order food, I'm hungry as well
June: pizza?
Riksh: Sure!

June gives the order*

Riksh: So.. what are your preferences?
June: hmm so you're gonna ask all those formal boring questions?
Riksh: Oh.. I'm sorry..
June: Psst! Just kidding lol..
Also I like gaming, eating and streaming in my meantime..
Riksh: Damn... I love those!
June: what's your channel name?
Riksh: dragon gamer.. and yours?
June: The dark knight 112
Riksh: Wait? What!?! You're the legendary dark knight 112!??
June: Yes.. hehe
Riksh: I thought that was a guy..
June: why? Can't girls be good at gaming?
Riksh: No no that's not what I meant..
June: Ik relax! I was just kidding.. look I don't tell that I'm a girl because yk people.. don't think that we are capable of beating them and being better than them in terms of gaming.. so..
Riksh: Yea.. I get it.. but I have to say.. It's an honour to meet the legendary dark knight! And it turned out that she's a goddess both in gaming as well as real life..
June: Aww.. Thankyou!

Waiter: Sir , Mam here's your order

Riksh: Thankyou!

After eating*

Riksh: Wait Lemme pay..
June: What? No! Let's split the bill..

Riksh: No.. it's my treat..
June: So.. you think that I can't pay because I'm a girl?
Riksh: No no..

June: So let's split the bill
Riksh: ok..

After that Riksh drops June*

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