chapter 24: "Silent Sorrow"

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Kim: Hey can you please get me some folders, l think we're out of it

Person: sure

Kim: Thanks Rose.. you're literally a lifesaver...

Meanwhile at Kim's office*

Aakash: We have to find Janette... That's the only way we could get information about Kim...

Neil: Yes... I still can't believe Janette liked me... And why did she have to stoop  so low... She could have just told me..

Aakash: Oh shut up lover boy! Aren't you beaming with joy because people are fighting for you..

Here I'm worried about my sister and you!...

Never mind... You don't even care about her do you..?

My sister really is a fool for still caring about you...

Neil: Wait... What do you mean still caring about me?

Aakash: Forget it! It won't get inside your pea sized brain...

Let's contact Kim's friends and try to gather more information..

Neil: yes..

Both Aakash and Neil contacted all Kim's friends and asked them to meet them at Neil's place


At Janette's house*


Riya: what?...

Janette: Why did you do that??

Riya: Happy Birthday sis!

Janette: What happy birthday!?!? You can't just publicly humiliate my boss and expect me to be happy about it!.. I can lose my job!

Riya : But.. you like Neil?

Janette: yes.. but he doesn't like me.. I can't force him to like me.. and now.. I'm sure that he hates me...

Riya: But-

Janette: I hate you Riya!

Angrily storms off*

At Neil's place*

Deb: How can you be this irresponsible!
Neil: what do you mean by irresponsible!?!
Deb: you knew she was a sensitive person.. you could've stopped her from running away like that!
Neil: I tried but she was too fast..
Deb: Ofcourse she was.. for a fat ass like you!

Neil: Excuse Me!?!? Me ? Fat?

Deb: huh! What else..

Riksh: Guys! Stop it! It's a serious situation... We have to find kim..

Ana: yes!.. who knows in what conditions she's living right now... Poor kim..

Aakash: hmm but she's a independent person so she must be living properly..

Ana: I know but...

Deb: do you guys have any idea about where she could possibly go...

Riksh: Well.. Maybe she could hide at one of her colleague's house...

Neil: Why do you think so?

Riksh: Cuz she hated being lonely... Last time she went to Aakash's place.. so..

Aakash: Well you're not completely wrong... Is there any one you guys suspect?

Ana: Hmm.. well she did tell me about a new joinee last month...

Neil: What new joinee?

Ana: Rose was her name I think..

Deb: well let's find out...

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