chapter 16: The Masquerade ball

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Ana who's a national level badminton player had recently won a gold medal in one of her competitions so She decided to host a party in that occasion but then Riksh suggests her to make it a Masquerade ball to make the environment more exciting


Riksh who has successfully taken over his father's business and has become one of the greatest business tycoons in Asia is recently tired of his current girlfriend Aisha who also happens to be Kim's mutual friend..

Aisha: Babe you don't love me anymore..

Riksh: what happened now? What did i do now?

Aisha: it's been a week since you bought me any gift!!!

Riksh: l know sweetheart but as you can see I'm really busy with my work recently...

Aisha: Yea, it's always one thing or the other.. Or maybe you have found someone else... Maybe that Ceo friend of yours... What's her name.. yes Kim

Riksh: What? It's not true babe.. Kim is like my older sister... She's been my best friend since ninth grade... How can I just abandon her.. plus you know she's not into dating anyone.. she's a very goal oriented person..

Aisha: oh.. really?..
And I'm not?

Leaves in a fit of rage*

Later that evening*

At Ana's ball*

Everyone from her batch was invited including all Kim's mutuals and there were only three rules to this ball

•One cannot open their mask at any cost
• The ones who leave without finishing their task given  in their chits will have to accept the title of cowardness

• The one pair on which the red light stops , will have to dance for 10 minutes without revealing their identities

Ana greeted all her guests in her gorgeous red gown and her red and gold mask

Kim who was wearing a long blue gown with a blue and gold mask instantly recognised Riksh and tried to greet him but she was stopped by his girlfriend who was wearing a very fancy white gown which almost looked like a wedding gown....

Disappointed she turned towards the fruit punch counter when suddenly she bummed into a tall man wearing a blue coat with gold detailing near the collar which looked almost similar to the detailing on her mask..

Kim: I'm extremely sorry-

Stranger: it's ok.. I'm sorry as well

Kim: it's alright..

Stranger: Can I make it up to you by asking you for a dance?

Kim: It's ok.. you don't have to..

Stranger: No please... I insist.. it'll be an honour to dance with a gorgeous lady like you..

Kim: Thankyou for the compliments but no thankyou... I'm good..

Stranger: please..

Kim: (really uncomfortable)

Suddenly a tall man wearing a gold coat appears and pulls kim away from that man as he saw how uncomfortable kim was getting..

Kim: Thankyou so much..

Wait... I've heard this voice somewhere..


Neil: Kim!??...

They didn't realise that Neil was still holding Kim's wrist when suddenly the red light fell upon them..

everyone started cheering*

Kim and Neil had to dance for ten minutes but kim was avoiding Neil's gaze most of the time

Neil: Why are you avoiding my eyes? Is it that offensive for you to look into my eyes..?

Kim: What? No!

Neil: Oh.. maybe you just don't remember me do you..

Kim: You think so?

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