chapter 13: The new Client

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Till now we have seen Janette explaining kim   how tough it is to deal with this new client and Kim being the competitive person she is accepts the challenge...

Riksh's POV: Hmm Kim's birthday is coming up.. l have to give something which she can use everyday..

He thinks a lot about what he should give kim for her birthday and decides to visit the central mall to find the perfect gift*

At the central mall*

Riksh: hmm I think  burberry is a good idea.. after all she loves the goddess collection from burberry..

Mr. Xavier, a very responsible and respectful person who also happens to be a Personal assistant of the Ceo of a very renowned company..

Xavier: But sir.. we're already an ten minutes late for the business meeting...
I don't think we have time to shop at burberry...

Ceo: Relax.. I'll be quick.. I'll just select one perfume.. after all l cannot go empty handed.. can l ?

Xavier: I know.. But sir...

Ceo: No buts.. I'll be quick don't worry..

(Enters the shop and tries to find  a perfume from the latest goddess collection)

Bumps into someone*

Ceo: Oh my apologies
Riksh: No its okay.. I'm sorry



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