chapter 23: Alliance of Shadows

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Riya's Pov : It's been 10 years and yet that bitchy kim hasn't changed a bit... I can't believe that She's still torturing my sister.... How can she be so unaware of her surroundings.. how can she smile every day after hurting my sister like that....

I will help my sister take revenge.. no matter what.. after all she's the only one who raised me and was beside me all the time since our parents' death.....
I owe her my entire life.. I can't see her suffer like that anymore... I will be my Janette's biggest Ally!

At Kim's office*

Janette: Miss kim.. we have an event this Monday..

Kim: Oh really? What is it?

Janette: It's my little sister's 28th birthday and she's hosting a party and she specifically asked me to bring you along.. she's a really big fan of yours..

Kim: Aww... That's really sweet Janette! I'm sure that your sister is just as lovely as you are..
And yes.. I will come

Janette: Thankyou so much mam..
You're literally the best!

Neil's POV: what's wrong with me!?! How and why did l say all those stuff in front of kim... I don't even like her.... I will never forgive her for humiliating me like that! She ruined my life when I was in tenth grade... I can't let her do the same again!

Later at Neil's office*

Xavier: Sir are you free this Monday?

Neil: Yes.. why?

Xavier: Actually.. it's my wife's birthday and she wants to greet you properly this time so.. she has invited you..

Neil: Aww.. it's ok.. don't worry I didn't mind her that day..

Xavier: No sir I insist! Please come

Neil: well.. if you insist then ok.. I'll come..

Xavier: Thankyou sir..

Later that following Monday

At Riya's Birthday*

Kim: Wow Janette! Your sister clearly has an amazing taste!

Janette: Thankyou Mam..

Kim: Well... Where is she?? I really wanna meet her now..

Janette: Yes mam, she'll be here in a moment..

Janette leaves kim standing alone in a room full of people*

Suddenly all the lights went out*

Soon the spotlight fell on Riya*

Riya: Hello everyone! I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for coming to my party and especially to two of the greatest persons present in this room

Suddenly the spotlight fell on Kim and Neil*

Riya: Here! I present to you "The untold story of a "Victim" A.K.A our beloved Miss kim

A PPT starts playing.. in which all the secrets from Kim's personal diary are revealed... It also shows how kim mistreated Janette and stole her crush ( Neil) of 3 years... And in the end the PPT revealed Kim's darkest secret about her past...

Everyone started whispering and started saying mean stuff about kim*

Kim left the party immediately in tears

Neil:Kim.. Wait!

Ran after her but couldn't find her....

Several days pass by and still no one knows anything about kim.. Not even her beloved dada...

After 2 weeks of no update about kim , Aakash flew in to Kim's city

At Neil's office*

Neil: Aakash!?! What are you doing here? Did anything happen to kim!?!? Did you find her??? Is she ok?

Aakash: Oh so now you care about her?

Neil: No! But she's someone I know so I'm genuinely concerned... It's not like I miss her or anything... Besides..She hates me..

Aakash: No no no you idiot! That's your problem.. you react without knowing the entire thing... See this

Aakash Show's him Kim's diary*

Aakash: See... All those stuff in the PPT were whitewashed... She did love you... And she still thinks about you till this date.. she tries her best not to show it because deep inside she still blames herself for everything and thinks that she might ruin your life again...

Neil: Instantly starts regretting everything... All those stuff which he said both now and during their fight in tenth grade....

I'm really sorry...
(In a shaky voice)


Kim: Thank you so much for letting me stay at your house... You're literally an angel..

Person: Oh no Miss kim... Thank you for trusting me.. and always looking out for me..

KIM:The two hearts apart Where stories live. Discover now