Promising nightmare

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I was no longer in the graveyard. Where was I exactly. I wasn't in a hospital or a jail cell that was for certain. An old bedroom of sorts. It seemed like it had been frozen in time.
I wasn't sure whether to scream and shout or just crumble together into an empty black pit of despair, giving up on my life and freedom.
I heard a jingling of keys and the door unlock.

There wasn't much light in the room, but this time, I could see the figure clearer than ever. Who was this man. I sat up and just stared at him as he walked in, offering me food. I finally felt something. It was comfort.
My eyes were tearing up. He stood and watched as I looked at him bewildered as to why I was here. Why?

I felt comfort in the fact that I now knew. But I still was afraid of what the consequences of knowing might be.
He started speaking some empty words. Whatever he was saying was not of importance. I just stared at him. He could tell I wasn't listening. He sat on the end of the bed, looking down at his hands. He looked like the silhouette that was always in the dark.

He had raven black hair that he slicked back. He was tall and had a menacing stance. I didn't know this man, I didn't even recognize him. However, his voice had a certain familiarity to it.
I couldn't see his face particularly well, so I tried to stealthily turn on the lamp besides me while he kept looking down at his hands.
I had the lamp switch in my hand, and he turned his head to me and looked at me with pain in his eyes. Even in the dark, I could see his crystal blue eyes, almost like they radiated a peculiar glow to them. Like moonlight.

He told me I shouldn't do that. What I answered back confused, still lost in eye contact. He looked right through my soul with those eyes.
He got up, and as he was walking towards the door, he took a quick glance back at me and told me not to worry. This was only temporary. He left, and I heard him lock the door again. I still had my hand on the lamp switch. I had forgotten to turn it on when I had the chance to see his face clearly.

I finally turned on the lamp, and I could see the colors of the room. It had an old nostalgic feel to it. It looked like a teenager had moved out a while ago and had left a few old movie posters and album covers on the walls. The room was quite big compared to my own room. The walls were plain white with a few doodles and drawings scribbled here and there. I was surprised at how old the bed looked and how out of place it was compared to the rest of the room.
There seemed to be two windows covered by curtains. I got up and checked to see if there was any way to get out and found that he had put two big wooden pallets to cover the windows. I was a prisoner.

I heard footsteps outside the door and quickly tried to run for cover in the closet. It was full of clothes, but I managed to squeeze myself between pile. I heard the door unlock and open. Evelyn he called out. I could hear him place something on the bed as his footsteps got closer to the closet. The door opened, and he couldn't see me at first because of how cramped it was in there. He moved a couple of hangers and looked at me. I just stared at him back like a lost puppy. I could finally see his face clearly.

-"I brought you some food. I thought you might like a sandwich and some tea." He said. I don't drink tea, I told him. He looked disappointed when I said that, like he had failed a test he had studied for. Well, what would you like to drink? he asked. Water is fine, I answered back coldly. He left, and I exited the closet and saw he left me a sandwich on the bed. I was starving, so I ate the sandwich hastily. I had already finished eating when he came back with a glass of water.
Why am I here I asked him. He just gave me a blank look and handed me the glass of water, and sat down on the bed next to me. Who are you? "I asked him quietly, like I dreaded the answer.

I woke up in the graveyard, looking up at the sky. Next to me, my father's grave and between us a single rose. Tied around it's stem was, of course, the black ribbon. But what was different was the fact there was also a ring tied into the bow. It wasn't a dream. It couldn't have been since the rose bundle was gone and replaced by a single rose with a ring. I took a closer look at the ring, a sliver promise ring. There was an inscription written on the inside D+E.
The ring looked pretty worn down and out of fashion for today's standards.
Then I remembered he called out Evelyn. Who is Evelyn? When he walked into the room, he called Evelyn. My name is not Evelyn.

I wasn't sure where I should go now. I evidently can not go back home to the crime scene. I can not face the police right now either. I needed some space to think. I walked over to the graveyard yard keepers cabin and knocked on the old, fragile wooden door. I hoped that old graveyard keeper Philip would be there. He would sometimes be out during strange hours of the day, just doing his normal duties around the graveyard.
I knocked once again with losing hope. A tap on my shoulder, and I almost punching the old man screaming.
"I didn't wanna scare ya, sorry bout that," he said with a frightful expression. I profusely apologized. I told him I needed a place to stay for the night and was hoping he would be able to lend me shelter for the night.
He invited me inside the old cabin.

When we were inside, it was exactly like how I had imagined it would look. Old wooden furniture and an old box tv. I haven't seen one of those tv's since I was a child.
He told me I could sleep on the couch for the night.
It looked like he had been living there. He went into another room and said good night. So he had been living there all along, that does explain why he was so frequently out at those strange hours in the graveyard.

I made myself as comfortable as I could on the old patched up couch. I slept the whole night and struggled to wake up when the sunlight shone through one of the windows down on my face. I was pleasantly surprised by how well I slept on the old couch.

There was some food left with a note on the table by the couch. How thoughtful of him. I ate the cold toast and then read the note. " Did you sleep well, Evelyn?"
I started tearing up. Is this some kind of sick joke. What is wrong with this man. First, he stalks me and attacks my boyfriend, almost killing him. Well, so far, I'm assuming it was him who attacked him. He also broke into my motel and kept sending me roses.
He possibly also murdered my roommate while I was away.

I cried for however long. Time doesn't feel real anymore. Nothing is real anymore.
The best I could do now was go to the police and tell them what I knew and that someone was stalking me.

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