Pity of burden

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My phone was long dead at this point, and I have no sense of direction. I didn't know where to go to charge my phone, so I just decided my best call was to just to keep walking.

I kept walking and realized I was close to a cafe that might be open. I finally found it and charged my phone. When I finally turned it back on, I had a message from the police. I needed to tell them whatever information I had regarding the new case of the robbery. Like I was even there. I also had a message from Sophia telling me she thought she heard someone again.
The messaged echoed in my head as I felt guilt engulf me. I could have called the police for her. I could have been there. I should have been there. I just stared at the message. I didn't even dare open it.

I sat there in the empty small cafe waiting for my phone to charge. I was forced to buy some cake and coffee from them before they kicked me out. Half an hour later, I had charged my phone enough. I called an Uber and went to the police station. The Uber dropped me off a block down from the police station, so I had to walk a bit.

As I was walking, I immediately sensed someone else was there even though the streets looked empty. I looked back and saw no one. It must be that man. Just as I thought that I was pulled into a bush. I couldn't see him, but I recognized his voice immediately. He held me, facing away from him. He warned me about what I was about to do. He told me that if I went to them and confessed what i knew, I would look less than innocent to them and that I would become the main suspect in both of the cases regarding Ethan and Sophia.

Tears ran down my cheek as he held me close. I wasn't facing him, and I didn't want to see him either. He told me to walk the other way and not look back, or there would be consequences. He let go of his grasp, and I immediately ran the other way. I listened, and I didn't look back. I just ran as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was, but I just had to keep running.

I was out of breath, and I could see I was far away from the neighborhood and was nearing an empty field. I decided to sit on the curb and try to catch my breath. I was so tired and exhausted from living the past few days, and running didn't help. My head ached as the adrenaline stopped rushing.

I stood up and layed down on a patch of grass next to the  pavement. I laid there and just looked up at the bright sky. It was a warm and sunny summer day.
Where do I go from here. As he said, I would look like the number one suspect in the case. How did he know I was there anyway? It's like he had been waiting in that bush for me to walk by coincidently. Has he been tracking me? He might have a tracker installed in my phone or something. I have to get rid of it then.

Maybe I should just turn myself in. It would be safer than wandering around with this man following me and putting people around me in danger. But what if I end up in jail for life. What if they institutionalize me. That's better than living in fear for the saftey of others and myself. I can't go back now. He has been tracking me, so I have to get to the police station secretly. I'll call a taxi so that will be more discreet.

Someone noticed a puffy eyed crazy looking person laying on the grass. A concerned woman came over to me and asked if I was okay. She was careful keeping a safe distance from me like I was going to jump up and bite her. I finally answered her and told her I was just going through a tough time and would be leaving. As I stood up, she looked at me sympathetically. She offered me some tea and asked if I wanted to talk about it. I'm not sure if she understood the dangers of inviting a stranger into her house or that she was the danger herself.

I accepted her offer strangely. I hesitated at first, but she looked kind enough, and I was in a desperate moment. She lived in an apartment complex close by. I stated that I would be fine if I just got a cup of water. I don't really like tea, to which she gave me a surprised look. We sat down, and I started telling her what happened, but being discreet with some information like that I had a stalker tracking me at the moment. She empathized with me, and we talked for a few hours until I realized how late it was and that I had to go before my stalker would pull some kind of tomfoolery. She looked at me confused when I said that, so I just hurried out and thanked her profusely. I really needed someone to talk to at the moment, and she was like an angel sent down to listen. But I probably already put her in danger now, so I hurried out, not knowing where I would end up next.

I wanted to know how Ethan was, so I called another Uber and went to the hospital.

When I arrived and asked about him, they said he had woken up and was doing better. I still wasn't allowed to visit because the visiting hours were over. I wanted to see him but they didn't want to tell me what room he was in. I slept on a chair in the waiting room and woke up still with a headache. I went back and asked again. Finally, they relented and decided to let me give him a quick visit as he was awake at the time.

When I walked in, his eyes widened. He looked so unwell, but he kept a smile on his face as I greeted him. He asked me why I hadn't come sooner.
I didn't want him to be worried, especially with the state he was in, so I just told him that there had been some things that came up. He asked if the man that left the rose was still stalking me. I didn't want to lie to him, but I didn't want to tell him the truth. I told him the man was taken care of. He knew I was lying. He could always read me like an open book.
I tried to change the subject back at him.

I asked him what happened the night he was attacked. He told me he had gone outside. He was standing outside on the front porch. He had only been out there for a few minutes just thinking when he heard a strange noise coming from the yard. He was about to go back inside, ignoring the noise when he was suddenly dragged back, and he felt a blow on the back of his head. He tried fighting back but passed out. He remembered little after that. He asked me again if I knew the stalker. I couldn't lie now. I told him I had a bit of trouble with him, but I didn't go into any details. I told him I had seen him and didn't recognize him, but his voice was so familiar to me.

He asked for his name. I froze. He caught me. I had to tell him. His name echoed in my head. Damien... I thought to myself, but stayed silent. He repeated the question, but a nurse interrupted him and told me visiting hours were over, and I would have to come back later. I said my goodbyes and didn't even look him in the eyes before I left.
He knew I was in danger. There was nothing either of us could do. It's just how it will have to be.

I once again was facing a dilemma. I wanted to leave and go to the police but now I worried for Ethans safety. Why would he have been attacked like that.
I called the police this time and told the 911 operator how I was being tracked by a stalker and that I wanted to go to the cops but that I had been stopped and now I was afraid that my boyfriend was in danger.
The operator calmed me down and told me there were officers dispatched. They were on the way.

I went out of the hospital and waited in the parking lot on the phone with the operator. A black car slowly drove by me. I sensed something was up. I decided to walk back into the hospital and rather wait inside. The police would be arriving soon anyways.

I noticed the car driving back around, and I saw the driver. Those moon lit eyes stared back at mine. I ran up to the front desk and told her that there was a suspicious man in the parking lot. He had been stalking me and what not. The receptionist looked at me like I was the one stalking him.

He walked right into the hospital like he wasn't on surveillance cameras or anything. He started talking to the receptionist, saying something about we'll be leaving. We? I looked at him in shock. I thought I would be safe with the surrounding people and cameras.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me out. The police had arrived, and now it was a race against time for him. He had parked the car just by the entrance. I tried to scream, but he stopped me and threw me in the passenger side of his car. I was too late. I immediately opened the door as he was getting in the drivers seat. He pulled me back in and threatened that if I left, he would make sure that Ethan would not live through the night. My eyes were filled with tears, and I knew it was all over for me.

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