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I was preparing to watch a movie when I suddenly heard something coming from the letter box on the front door. Enzo was sleeping, so he didn't bark. I looked to see what it was. I saw a letter had been dropped on the floor. I picked it up and saw it was addressed to Evelyn. Evelyn... I hadn't heard that name since Damien called me that.

I stared down at the letter like I hadn't fully comprehended that it was most definitely from Damien. I wasn't sure if I should open it or send it back. How would I send it back. The mailman couldn't have delivered it. My thoughts slowly started putting two and two together. I just froze and stared out into the air like someone else had appeared there. I panicked and opened the letter in a hurry.

"My dear Evelyn, I hope you got my message. I see you have a tough dog now. It's pretty cute. You think he would bite if pet him.

I just thought I would let you know I'm "back," you could say. But it's not for what you think. I never really got to explain why I was there for you in the first place. If you gave me the chance to protect you, I would like to explain to you what would happen if I wasn't there for you.

You're very dear to me. I would like to make everything up to you if I could, but I can't. I know that. But I have to try.


I read the letter over and over again. I felt like each time I read it, the less I understood. I wasn't sure what he meant by any of it. He put quotation marks around the word back. Like he was saying, he never left again. What does he mean? Will he bite if I pet him. Is he going to try? How would he try to make things up to me? Why can't he just leave me alone. Protect me? From what, himself? Then he should have left me before he even got to me. Why was he even sending me a letter like this. What was the purpose of this. He signed it D.P. his last name starts with a P.

I could give that to the police and maybe they could find out who he is. What is background is and such. I can see the positive side of this now. I called the police of course and gave them the letter. I had already taken a picture of it on my phone so I could read it one more time, and then another time.

I was still terrified of what might happen now and cried myself to sleep with Enzo in my arms. I used him as a living tissue to wipe my tears. He was fine with it as long as he got cuddles.

I woke up, and Enzo was still in my arms. I hadn't quite realized that there was daylight shining right through the window down at me. The trash bag I had taped to the window was gone. I jumped up and ran through the rest of the house. They were all gone, disappeared. How did he get in. Why didn't I hear him literally rip down taped trash bags off the windows right in front of me. How could I let this happen. A rose was left on the kitchen counter along with a letter addressed to Evelyn. I ripped it open and read it quickly as I could feel my panick creeping up on me. I was never a morning person, so it would always take me a while to fully wake up. But when I read that letter I could feel something waking up inside of me. I was now fueled with anger. How dare he. The letter read:

"My dear Evelyn. I had hoped you would know better than to keep involving the police into this matter.

I didn't want to use threats against you, but it seems that's the only way I can get your attention and yours only.

You know I have nothing to lose except for you, and I'll do my best to keep you.
I let you enjoy what freedom you wanted. You took me for granted. Don't make this harder for both of us.

Why did you cover the windows. I'll just find another way to see you. You never were alone, you know that, Evelyn.

No more police Evelyn.

I was filled with disgust and anger. The audacity this man has is truly astounding. "I let you -" He let me. Oh, like I didn't run away and escape. I didn't need his permission to live my life. He never had me in the first place. Even if he did have me, I have since long lost me. He is so delusional, it's like he's living in his own little bubble world where only him and I exist, and I'm his puppet he can play with whenever he feels like it. No more police my ass Damien. They're my number one fan in this case.

I called the police and handed them the letter. The neighbors probably think I'm doing drugs or something. I covered all the windows with black trash bags, and I frequently get visits from the police. That's the price you pay when someone called Damien is stalking you for the second time now. He makes you look like the bad guy, or at least makes you think you are.

I could not care any less now. I'm about to start my new job. In a few short weeks, I can not be bothered by this right now. I texted my friend the situation, and they all told me to get out of there since he had already proven he could get inside the house. I told them I couldn't let go of my new home just yet and that I was too fed up that I didn't care anymore.

Of course, I did indeed care, and I was, in fact, petrified of what would happen. I had a plan. If I pretended like I didn't notice and wasn't affected, he would give up? That's so stupid, but what else was there for me to do. I wasn't leaving. He would follow me if I did. I need a weapon and 20 shots of espresso and some coffee to gulp it all down.
Then, days layer that is what I did. I didn't really get 20 shots of espresso. i only like 5 with like 5 cups of coffee. I also bought myself some pepper spray used for bears, but he might as well be one. At least he would look cute-r. I also got a baseball bat in case I forgot to push the button on the pepper spray. I could never be prepared enough.

I didn't really think before I acted, so I wasn't even sure that he would show up on that night exactly. I just had hopes and prayers and too much coffee and went for it. I had everything to lose, and I was going to protect it all with my very best effort.

I was about to lose my mind when I heard Enzo barking at the back door. Then everything was suddenly silent. He came back to me, wagging his tail with a rose in his mouth. I had all the lights off, but I could clearly see the rose in his mouth. My brain lagged for a second.

I jumped up and ran to the back door, not really thinking anything and realizing it soon after I left everything on my bed. The pepper spray and also my emergency base ball bat and then my emergency back up kitchen knife. The door was wide open, and I saw that there was a gate on the fence that was left open. I didn't even know that there was a fence there. I was completely clueless and had no sense of any survival instincts kicking in.

I walked out into the garden and looked out of the gate to see if anyone was there. I didn't see anything except for a cat walking over to the neighbors yard. I slowly backed up and closed the gate. When I turned around, he was already there standing towering over me.
I was not there mentally. I just stared into his eyes. He stared back at mine. I could feel fear pouring over me, but I couldn't move or say anything.

I could only make the outline of him in the dark. "We meet again." I finally got the courage to speak. I could see how his eyes had darkened. Before I recognized them in the moonlight. Now, he reminded me of deep sorrow. Something only you could see in the darkest of times. He didn't answer me. He looked down and then stared back into my eyes. He apologized to me and told me there was nothing to worry about, I was safer with him. I looked at him, confused and thoughtless, and looked at his hand. Was he holding a cloth?

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