Million dollar chance

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I sat back in bed, wondering how long I would be here and if I would ever be freed.
I waited for about an hour. I was just thinking back at my life with regret. I should have done things differently. I should have lived as much as I could have. I should have enjoyed my freedom while I had it.

Finally, I heard the door unlock, and he opened the door and told me he had made me breakfast. I just nodded and sat down by the kitchen table. Scrabbled eggs and toast. It tasted like a million dollars compared to how I was forcing myself to eat yesterday. I tried to look around if there was any way for me to escape if I had even the slightest chance.
There were windows on about most surrounding walls, and none of them were barrged up. The front door was likely not an option, but maybe if I could open or break one of the windows, I could escape through them. I completely forgot he was always staring at me. He noticed me looking around, calculating my escape.
He sat down on the chair next to me and reminded me of the consequences of leaving. He would not hesitate to go back to the hospital and finish what he had started.
I looked at him with disgust and stood up and went back into the room I had stayed in before and closed the door, but not enough for it to be locked.

I took the rose off the bed and crumbled it in my hand and threw it on the ground, and stepped on it in revulsion. I didn't even notice how much I was crying again. I was so used to it by now. Whatever he wanted, he was never going to get it. I sat down on the floor and sobbed. The door slowly opened as he walked in and sat on the bed. He explained to me that he was doing this for us. I felt a rush of anger come over me, and I stood up and screamed at him "You don't even know my name, and you're threatening to kill my boyfriend, and you also killed my friend!" -"You also stalked me, like the creep you are" -"You deprived me of my own life."

He looked at me bewildered. I was so repulsed with his face by then. He walked out but hesitated as he was closing the door and said he had no intention of having to kill anyone and he didn't touch Sophia, but what must be done has to be done somehow. He then closed and locked the door.
I screamed back at him trhought the door, asking him what it was he was talking about. I banged on the door and screamed until I lost my voice and fell down.

Is this my life now. Is this what I deserve. Is this my fault. I had questions about everything. I crawled my way back to bed and crumbled into a dead little bug under the covers.

I hadn't heard him coming in, but he was suddenly sitting on the end of the bed. I could feel his eyes on me. I decided not to say anything and pretend to be half asleep. He stated that he had been waiting for too long he couldn't lose me now, not again.
"Evelyn, you don't remember me, but you must remember something." He still thinks I'm Evelyn... Who is this Evelyn he is referring to. I was too curious and asked him why he thought I was Evelyn. He looked at me, releaved for some reason. He kept saying that I'm Evelyn. I told him my names not Evelyn. My name is Jade. He looked me into my eyes and said again."Evelyn. Your name was and has always been Evelyn."

I gave up on correcting him and instead told him he had gotten the wrong person. He then took my right hand and turned my palm up and pointed at a birthmark in the middle of my ring finger. That was his best explanation. He then told me I also had a mark on my left leg. Anyone could have known that I said to him. He claimed it was a connection from another time. He stopped himself from elaborating further and claimed I needed to come to terms with myself. He was talking in riddles. I didn't understand what he was saying exactly. Connection to another time? What is he going on about.

He looked sorrowful when he noticed my confusion and my hesitance to believe what he was claiming. He told me I would get it sooner or later, but for now, he had said enough. He was about to stand up, but I pulled him back.

I asked him what his name was, finally remembering to do so. He looked at me confused. You already know my name.
Stop with that. You already know this and know that. I told him. It's in the ring he said and left. But it just said D+E. Maybe there was some other inscription that had been worn down so much that it wasn't noticeable anymore. Damon? No, that's not it. Damien? His name is Damien, isn't it.

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