Getaway torment

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I took the bus to the train station and went on my way. I ended up stranded after I left the train. I was at the right station, I thought.
I decided to try and walk to find the motel. It was getting late.

I finally found it in the middle of nowhere in a hidden dense forest. The enchanting summer feels with the perfect sunset shining throughout the tree branches peeking through. I finally felt like I was alone at last.
I could never be too sure I wouldn't be found again by that stalker. I decided to try and get some sleep.

At 11:47 a.m. I was woken up. Sophia was calling me. She said there had been a knock on the door that the knocking had moved to the windows. She was wondering if I had been locked out or if it was someone else. She seemed surprisingly calm for this kind of situation.

I heard a loud shatter like broken glass in the background of the call. I told her to call the police immediately, that wasn't me. I heard panic in her voice when she asked me back, confused about what the noise was. I asked her back what she meant. She told me there was a loud shatter in the background of the call. I thought it came from her end of the call.

A cold shiver went down my spine, and I looked over at the bathroom door. The lights were off. I could make out a shadow of someone. The outlining of a tall man.
I froze in panic as Sophia asked me what was going on and if I was alright. I just stared into the abyss, not sure if I was looking at someone or just an illusion of the darkness.
I turned on my lamp on beside me, and my anxiety was relieved. It was just my imagination it was a towel reflected in the mirror. I told Sophia, and she asked me again what the loud noise was. I told her to call the cops and not to investigate stay hidden. She told me she would update me after, and then she hung up.

I didn't want to be spooked again, so I got up and went to close the bathroom door when I turned on the lights and saw the glass on the floor. The bathroom window was shattered. On the glass fragment covered floor was another rose. I didn't know what to do at this point. Ignore it and have something happen while I sleep. What about Sophia. I tried calling her, but she didn't answer. So I texted her, and I told her what I found. Nothing, no answer. I decided to just go and tell the front desk some animal had tried to break in and broke the window. That must happen a lot because I wasn't charged for any extra fees for the broken window. They offered me a new room, to which I declined. I just needed to get out of there. I asked them to order me a taxi and figured that a hotel would be safer, so I asked where the closest hotel was.

Finally, at 1 a.m. I arrived. Thankfully, there was 1 available room. I went to my room and tried to get some sleep, but I couldn't even turn off the lights because of paranoia.

I tried time and time again calling Sophia. I called 911 and told them there was an attempted break-in and to check on her. Finally, about 10 minutes later, I got a text from Sophia saying there was no problem and it was a misunderstanding. She had forgotten to call me back and had her phone on silent. She apologized and told me she was already asleep by then. I told her about the broken window and the rose. She just stayed silent for a minute. She finally spoke and asked why I hadn't thought of calling the police at this point. I didn't see the point, really. I'll call them tomorrow, I told her and hung up.

I didn't sleep all throughout the night and early into the morning. I did fall asleep at some point because I was woken up when the housekeeper opened the door to clean my room and quickly realized I was sleeping with the lights on and left.

I didn't know what to do at this point. Fleeing didn't seem to work. It just followed. I decided to pack up and leave. When I was returning the hotel key, they told me I was left a gift by an anonymous. A red rose with that black ribbon bow tied around it's neck.
I looked at the receptionist in disbelief and asked if they could tell me what they looked like. Nope, it was sent through mail. I hadn't even stayed there for that long. I asked what time it arrived. Only shortly after I checked in. I told them to keep it and finally left.

After a long day of traveling home, I wanted nothing more but peace and to be alone. When I got closer to the house, I could see cop cars surrounding the house.
The house was taped up with do not pass police tape. I ran towards the house, ducking under the police tape.
I screamed for Sophia, hoping everything was ok. A police officer restrained me and pulled me aside. He informed me that there had been a break-in. The robberer had been waiting in hiding for some time. Sophia was attacked and killed. I didn't hear anything past that point. I didn't know how to feel. Was I angry, disappointed... guilty.

What happened? Where did my life go in just a short few days. How could this have happened. The officer noticed my distance and suggested that I sit down and take some breathing exercises to calm down.
I heard him, I just couldn't move like I wanted to. Instead, I walked away. I walked into the graveyard. My footsteps delayed as I got closer to the graveyard gates. I took notice of the bundle of red roses left by the gate. I picked them up and walked to fathers grave.

When I got to his grave, I simply laid down beside him and placed the roses between us. I couldn't feel anything for a moment. I just stared up at the empty sky.
The graveyard was usually empty. But today, it felt even emptier. I felt so alone. I was so sleep deprived and tired that I had to rest my eyes for a moment.

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