Grasp of eternity

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Damn you, Damien. Why do you have to keep pushing me down. You're the reason why I keep falling. I would fly if you only would let me go.

I woke up in the back seat of a car. The driver? -Damien. I was kind of hoping it was a bear.

Was this the right time to laugh? Was it ever going to be after all this. What about my dog. What had he done to him.

I was about ready to just choke him right where he was sat and call an end for us both just to get this over with. I moved my hands, and they were ziptied together. He has outdone himself once again. What a performance. I started complaining and complaining about my nail being chipped and that I forgot to lock the front door. Also, I hadn't taken the dog out for a walk today, etc. He didn't talk back. So I just became more annoying and nagging. He turned on the radio volume almost all the way up. I became deaf in the back seat while he seemed to be enjoying listening to a car commercial. He lowered the volume down and told me it would be a long car ride and threatened to put me to sleep again. I looked at him with disgust and looked out of the window.

I knew this road. It was the same one he had been driving before the day that I left. Where are you going I asked him.
"Home." he answered.
"Where is that?" I asked back.
"Home is where the heart is, but in all seriousness, that's where we're headed." He answered with a sense of joy in his voice.

I grew increasingly anxious and started wondering what happened to Enzo, what if he left the door opened and Enzo ran out. I had tears forming in my eyes, and I couldn't stop them from running down my face. I stayed silent as I collected a puddle of tears. He could see me reflecting in the rearview mirror. He asked me what was on my mind. I didn't answer him and just kept looking out at the forested surroundings. He suddenly took a turn and stopped the car. He explained to me again that this was all for us and that I needed to understand. He was afraid I wouldn't understand if he explained it so he would instead show me. I looked back at him, puzzled.

Jade:"I don't get that you don't get it. I don't want you, I don't want you to protect me. The only protection I need is from you." -"You're what's putting me in danger because the danger is you."

Damien:"You'll understand soon, Evelyn."

"I'm not Evelyn," I shouted at him. "My name is Jade. It always has been and always will be," I said back. "You won't be saying that when I show you," he said calmly. He pulled the car back onto the road and started driving again.

The silence echoed in the car. I fell asleep, unsure if I would ever want to wake up again. I had a dream. I was the dark blonde again and living in an middle class house in the victorian era. I was all alone in the house. No children or anything. I didn't even see a servant around.

I had been spending my time in the garden and making embroidery in the living room. At the end of the day, I heard the front door open. I got up from the couch and was about to go over to greet them. The last thing I saw was that I was looking at my reflection in the mirror on the mantel of the fireplace that was in front of the couch.

I woke up dazed, unsure where we were now. I hadn't really told anyone about my dreams. No one knew about them, I didn't even tell Ethan when we were together about them. I didn't even tell Damien about my first dream with Melinda, the woman from the painting. I assumed that was his mother.

We're almost there Damien said as he looked at me in the rear view mirror and smiled. I felt squeamish looking back at him. He could be conventionally attractive if he wasn't so dreadfully frightening and wouldn't make me feel nauseous thinking about him. He just became uglier and uglier the more I thought about what had happened and what would happen now. He lost his pretty privileges the day that he decided he had me and could get me back.

I still wondered if anything happened to Enzo. I was terrified that he did something to him or just left him there all alone. I didn't know if anyone would be checking up on me or if the neighbors would notice my absence and take Enzo. Where would he go if they took him. What if they discovered that he was-

I tried my best not to think about it too much so I could try and focus on where we were going so I could give the police a description of my whereabouts. He pulled up to a gravel parking lot and told me we had arrived. "Where are we?" I asked and looked around, trying to make sense of where he took me. "Home." He said. But there was no house.

"The house burned down a long time ago. You went down with it. I wasn't there to save you, and I regret leaving you there all alone every single day. But I got a second chance, then another, and another. And now we are here, " Damien said, saddened.

He got out of the car and opened the door for me. I got out and asked him to take the zipties off. It would make a difference. I tried to convince him, and it worked. He took out a pocket knife and almost slit my hand opened merely missing it. I looked at my hand, and there was a little bit of blood. He had knicked me. I gave him a nasty look and walked off into the empty field he claimed to once have had a house on it.

I started looking around, and I started recognizing things around. I noticed that there were marks left on the ground where it looked like there had been a garden at some point. There was a stone path that led around a big plot of area. I contemplated the house in my dreams, which was the same one that had burned down.

Damien walked over to me and asked if I remembered something now. I didn't want to tell him the truth, so I just looked away and said all I could see was just some rubble of a leftover garden. I looked back at him, he looked displeased with my anwser. He took my hand and told me he had something else to show me.

We went back to the car and he started driving again. 5 minutes later, he had driven to a graveyard. I felt overwhelmed for some reason now. I knew this graveyard all too well. I had never been there before in my life.

I got out of the car, and automatically, I started walking towards the graveyard. I knew the way, and I knew exactly where to go. The graveyard was old and crumbling. I looked at some of the headstones, and most of the people died more than 100 years ago.

My feet led the way, and then they stopped walking. I stood in front of a tall headstone. There was copper plaque on it that read Evelyn Parks. Born 1865, died 1888. Loving wife and daughter. I stood there frozen in shock.

I heard Damien besides me. He handed me a photograph in black and white. It was a photograph of my look alike.
"You do remember, Evelyn." He said quietly. I was still astonished. I looked long and hard at the photograph like I expected it to change. "Damien Parker. We were wed." I said.

He put his arms around me and told me I had nothing to worry about anymore. He had always been there, and he would never leave me again. I was frozen in fear. What did this mean. I pushed him away.

Jade:"I'm never going to be Evelyn. You can keep chasing that dream of recapturing your Evelyn, but you must know she hasn't left in quite a while. She's always been right here. I'm never going to become your Evelyn, not again. I'm sorry, Damien, but I've moved on. I'm happier. I'm not bound down by the past like you."

He shifted his eyes back at the grave and looked back at me. "But you're all I have. If I can't have you, I have nothing left. I'm not going anywhere. Don't you realize I've been bound to you. I can't move on. I should be laying in the ground next to her, hand in hand. But you see, im still here. Lingering around for the chance to get you back, " He said and looked back at Evelyn's grave. He teared up as he was talking. I honestly felt sympathy for him. He was stuck to the past, unable to pass and move on.

I hugged him and placed my head on his shoulder. He hugged me back, and I could hear him quietly sobbing. "You can let go now, it's okay. You can not change the past, and neither can you make up for it. The only thing you can do now is let go and move on Damien." I told him softly. He hugged me a little tighter, unable to let go.

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