Chapter 13

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"Mom, I am going to school to empty my locker, speak to a couple of the teachers then swing by the hospital and see how Pavlina is doing. I am not sure when I'll be back."

"Okay, hon. If Pavlina is awake say 'Hi' to her and tell her to get well soon."

Jayna grabbed her purse and headed to the door. Mia followed behind her, wagging her tail.

"Bye Mia. Take good care of the house while we are away. Love you."

Jayna patted Mia's head as she walked out. She had a spring to her step today; all the anxieties and uncertainties of the last couple of days were gone. She wasn't sure where life was taking her, but she was determined she would figure things out with her soul mate – and have fun while doing it. The journey was just as important as the destination. She believed in this philosophy more than ever before.

She got in her car and turned on the radio to her favorite station. The eight o'clock, morning news was on. She thought about changing the station, but her hand stopped in midair when she heard about a house fire in the early hours of the morning.

Fire fighters were able to remove Tim O'Donnell safely out of the burning house, but his wife, Olivia O'Donnell, was not so lucky. She was trapped inside. Olivia O'Donnell perished in the flames. The fire had started in the basement and quickly spread out to the rest of the house. Mr. O'Donnell was very distraught when he spoke to the fire fighters. He was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation.........

Jayna did not hear the rest of the news. She was incredulous at how fast justice was served. The demon-invoking-slut, Olivia, who had cast a bounding spell on her father, tried to ruin her parent's marriage, caused Mehmet's death and almost killed Ayshen, was burned to death. She could not help, but feel a huge satisfaction at her demise. Jayna's faith in Karma was now solid. She wished she knew the details of what happened in that basement. She did not believe for a minute that this was a random house fire. Something had terribly gone wrong for Olivia and she had paid the price with her life. Good riddance, Jayna thought, one less evil to pollute the world.

Jayna had only her exams to write and her high school career would be over. She was ready for the next phase of her life.

On her way to the hospital Jayna heard Ethan's voice in her head, loud and clear. Her mood immediately perked up.

Hi Ethan, I can hear you, Jayna smiled from ear to ear.

Can I say, "I told you so?" What are you doing?

I just finished cleaning out my locker at school and I am on my way to the hospital to check up on Pavlina. What are you doing?

I am walking the dogs?

The dogs? How many do you have?

Right at this moment, I have 2 with me, the rest are waiting for their turns.

The rest are waiting for their turns? How many dogs do you have?

Oh today, we have about ten of them.

You are not making too much sense, Ethan. Are you playing with me?


Okay, explain yourself.

The count changes daily, today we have ten dogs in the kennels.

You work at a kennel?

Sort of.

Are you being mysterious just to get me going or is this part of the restrictions imposed by the Masters?

The Astral Ordinance, Book I (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now