Chapter 2

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Here is chapter 2. Hope you enjoy!! and please don't forget to vote/coment/like/friend :)


Jayna didn’t know what she was doing, but she did will herself to follow Ethan and to her amazement it worked. He held her hand and pulled her along. The air started to feel lighter and cleaner as they gained altitude. They went through a dense fog of some sort and when they came out of it they were in a different place. Jayna was flying on her own now, not so much being pulled by Ethan. The scenery was quite beautiful. It was evening; she could see countless stars in the heavens. When she looked across the sky she saw Earth - it was breathtakingly beautiful. It looked just like its pictures in the National Geographic. Jayna felt all warm and fuzzy toward her planet.

“Earth is gorgeous from up here,” Ethan said. “Wait till you see the rest of this place.”

Jayna followed Ethan to a building that looked like a Roman palace, but it was new not old as she would expect an ancient building to be. There were beautiful marble columns and people in flowing Roman style dresses. They were luminous as if glowing from an internal light.

“This is the place I check in after a mission,” Ethan said. “I have to give the Council a report of what happened. They will be interested in your story.”

“That’s nice; but I really would like to go home,” Jayna said.

“You will, Jayna. You are safe now, don’t worry. I will show you the way home. Could you just come with me while I give my report to the Council? It won’t take long; this is standard procedure after a mission.”

Jayna shrugged and followed Ethan. Since she didn’t know how to get back home on her own, she might as well follow him. She didn’t really have a choice and Ethan didn’t seem dangerous to her. If anything he seemed honest.

Ethan had a luminous quality, too; but he also had an earthly manner about him - the others were more celestial. Earlier Ethan was covered in dirt, his clothes were ripped; he was now wearing clean jeans and a T-shirt. Here everything had a different feel about it. Even the air was much lighter. She felt happier and light hearted, and most of all safe. The place had a reassuring feel about it. The cool marble under her bare feet were soothing as she walked.  She relaxed and took in the beauty of her surroundings.

And then she saw him with fresh eyes. Ethan was tall, well-muscled and had a chiseled face, high cheek bones and full lips, but his eyes were his most prominent feature; they sparkled with an inner light and were framed by a set of eyelashes any girl could kill for.

Why don’t I meet a guy like this in real life?

Duhhh, because he isn’t real, she reminded herself.  He is a figment of my imagination, so I made him as hot as I could imagine. Uhh, I sure wish he was real.

She had lagged just a bit behind Ethan where she had a close-up view of his sexy back, his wide shoulders and ripped muscles. Her heart gave a little lurch. She wondered what it would be like to be wrapped in those arms.

The Astral Ordinance, Book I (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now