Chapter 7

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The Astral beings continued their work by putting many protective symbols around Jayna's home and family, thereby making sure that no harm would come to them from the dark forces.

Thanks to Jayna's connection to the Astral plane, her father had survived a fatal spell, Ayshen had survived a direct demon attack, but Mehmet wasn't so lucky. The night was coming to end as the sun was coming up the horizon, a huge orange ball bringing light and life to Earth.

The humans still in their Astral form were watching the sun rise and admiring its beauty when two angels appeared.

Jayna and Ethan immediately bowed to them deeply. Ayshen was first delighted at their appearance then puzzled when they approached Mehmet, and her husband began glowing.

"What's happening?" Ayshen asked.

Here comes the moment of truth, Jayna said to Ethan telepathically. I don't know what to say.

You don't have to say anything. Stay grounded and visualize Ayshen as calm and accepting; the angels will do the rest.

Mehmet took his wife in his arms and spoke to her in their native Turkish. "I must go now. Promise me that you will take good care of yourself, and you will not cry too much."

Jayna didn't understand any Turkish, but the smooth tone of Mehmet's voice was indicative of what he must be saying to Ayshen. Tears ran down Jayna's face as she sent loving and peaceful energy to her old friend. She hoped and prayed that Ayshen would not lose it. Jayna remembered how Ayshen fell apart and cried for days when their dog had died. How would she handle the loss of her husband?

"What do you mean you have to go? What are you talking about?"

"It was too late; the demon killed me before the kids arrived. There was nothing they could do. It's a miracle that your life was spared."


"I am dead, Ayshen, and cannot be brought back."

"No, no, can't be dead."

"You have to be brave, my love. I will always watch over you and our family. I won't leave you alone, I promise. I don't want you to mourn me for the rest of your life. You always told me life didn't end with death, remember?"

Understanding dawned on Ayshen. This was it. There was no turning back the clock. Her beloved Mehmet had passed on to the Great Beyond.

"What do we do now?" Jayna asked Ethan.

"We'll escort Ayshen back home, and then we'll go to the Council and report the night's work. The Mirror of Justice will be activated. It will deflect the spell back to its originator. Karma will be paid in due time. You will see."

Ethan looked Jayna squarely in the eyes and made no secret that he was reading her mind.

"I know how you feel about justice, Jayna. I promise you, it will be done, but you are not the one who will deal it. Olivia will get what's coming to her. You have to learn to trust Karma. No crime goes unpunished."

Jayna resigned to the fact that this was how things were done when one followed the Code of Ahimsa; but, what she really wanted to do was get into her physical body, find the bitch and beat her to a pulp.

Ethan heard her thoughts and shook his head.

"I am not going to do that," Jayna said. "I just imagined it for a second and it felt great."

The Astral Ordinance, Book I (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now