Chapter 9

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Jayna took a shower after putting Liam to bed and sat on the floor. She tried to remember Ethan's instructions about meditating. Surprisingly, she could hear his voice playing like a recording in her head. She quickly felt herself relax and get into a meditative state. She was being charged with life giving energy from the Astral plane. She lost all sensation in her body as she became one with her breath.   When she was fully charged she slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Her alarm clock showed that she had meditated for twenty minutes although to her it felt like only two or three.

She sat at her desk and logged on to her email account to check for messages. There were three. One was from Pavlina, sent about forty-five minutes ago. It was a puzzling letter. Jayna's heart raced as she read.


I did as you told me and thought about all my options. I can't be happy with any of them. I was stupid and irresponsible. I ruined my life. If I tell my parents about my "situation," they won't understand. They will probably kick me out. They've been telling all their friends that I am starting pre-med in September. How can I start pre-med in September three months pregnant? Where will I go when they toss me out? What will be my options then? A home for pregnant teens? Followed by a life in poverty? How will I get an education if I have this baby? How will I live with myself if I have an abortion? I spent the last two years dreaming about becoming a doctor. I cannot have an abortion. It goes against everything I believe in. All I know is that I can't have this baby and I can't have an abortion. I don't have an option that will work for me. I've done nothing but think about my options since you dropped me off at home this afternoon. Bottom line is that I have no option but to take care of this as quietly as I can. I am sorry that I am not brave enough to face my parents and tell them that I messed up big time. I just can't do this. Please, please, please, DO NOT CRY for me, and remember that I love you. You are the best friend a girl could ever wish for.


"Oh my Lord, what have you done, Pav?"

Jayna could not believe this letter. What was she planning on doing? Running away? What did it mean to quietly take care of this? Why is Pavlina asking me not to cry for her?

Jayna didn't know what she should do. She called Pavlina on her cell. It was turned off. Now what? Should she call their house? Wake up her parents? And say what to them?

Ethan had told her no more Astral travelling by herself. It was too early for him to meet her yet. How could she get a hold of him? No phone calls were permitted either – that would give away too much. Oh God, what could she do? She had a very bad feeling about Pavlina. Something was very wrong.

Maybe if she sat in meditation and called him he would somehow hear her. It was worth a try. Jayna sat cross legged in the middle of her room, closed her eyes but she could not relax. Her breathing would not slow down. She took a deep breath and blew it out. Oh, that was better. That helped her feel a bit more relaxed, but not nearly enough to call it a meditative state. This wasn't working.

What if she got out of her physical body and took a quick zip over to Pavlina's to see what was up; only there and back. At least she would see if Pav was still home.

Jayna lied down on her bed and used the sacred geometry to shift into the Astral plane. Immediately the house became transparent and she could see through the walls. Liam was asleep, she didn't even look in her parents' direction for fear of seeing things she didn't want to see – they had a right to their privacy. Jayna visualized Pavlina's bedroom and she was there instantly. Pavlina was in her bed, also sleeping. So, she hadn't taken off somewhere. Yet. Jayna looked around to see if there was a suitcase or an overnight bag that Pavlina might be taking in the morning. No, there was nothing like that. Jayna was puzzling over clues as to what Pavlina was going to do next when she heard her.

The Astral Ordinance, Book I (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now