Chapter 4

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Check out chapter 4. I hope you enkoy. Please dont forget to vote/comment/like :)


You sure do, Evelyn’s voice filled the room. You all do. Be brave, people. This is no time to turn tail and run; and as for you, Bill, you got your wish.

“What wish?” He asked.

You wanted so much to learn all this Astral stuff; now you will.

“I will?”

Yes. I’ve been asked to relay a message to you all from the Ascended Masters. They heard your plea, and they agreed to give you the training you requested.

“I’ve just been summoned to meet with the Masters,” Ethan announced. “If you will excuse me…” He sat on the floor and crossed his legs assuming a meditative pose and shifted to the Astral plane. Within seconds, he opened his eyes.

Everyone looked at him, waiting for an explanation.

“The Masters confirmed Evelyn’s message, you are to be given training in Astral ways.”

I told you, Evelyn said.

“Quentin will work with his brother, Ahmed.” Ethan switched his gaze to Quentin. “You have some pretty talented guides. Susie and Eddy will help you with the training.”

Happy to be of service, the guides said. The folks in the room gasped as they heard the guides speak.

“Liam, you are to work with your grandfather.”  Ethan continued.

Liam jumped and did a little victory dance. “Yay, I get to teach Grandpa.”

Bill perked up, “You better do a good job, Liam. This is serious business.”

“I know, I know,” Liam said, still dancing.

“Hope,” Ethan didn’t get to finish his sentence.

“I know; I get to teach my mom.”

“Right; and Troy will be your assistant.”

Troy took a bow. “My pleasure.”

“Mom and dad, you get to work with Grace and Paul,” Ethan said to his parents.

Estelle and Roy nodded, “Will do.”

“Ayshen and Mabel, you will train with Sunny and Joseph.”

“Of course,” Sunny said.

“And I will train with Jayna,” Ethan announced.

Jayna was surprised. “I thought my training days were over.”

Ethan gave her his killer smile, “This is the next phase of our training. Since you are not permitted to shift until the baby is born, we both need to develop fighting skills on Earth.”

Jayna laughed. “What are we supposed to learn? How to throw thunderbolts with our hands?”

“Hey, that’s not fair,” Liam interjected. “Why do you guys get to do all the fun stuff?”

“For everyone’s safety, Liam,” Hope explained. “Maybe if you prove yourself to be a useful teacher, the Masters will let you do it, too.”

“You think you know everything, don’t’ you?” Liam said.

“Tsk, tsk, children,” Grace said.

Hope smiled demurely and shrugged.

Everybody, pair up. Eddy and Susie ordered.

The Astral Ordinance, Book I (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now