Chapter 3

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With a huge smile on her face, Jayna sighed deeply, feeling the fatigue of her night’s adventures yet happy to know that she was now part of something extraordinary, something so fantastic that no one would believe her. She had agreed to become an Astral Warrior, help push the planet to its next phase of evolution. She had always been a spiritual person, respected all life forms and felt connected to Mother Earth, but this was something far beyond her imaginings. She could see the bigger picture now. It wasn’t only life on Earth; there were other dimensions and worlds out there, and what each person did or thought made a difference towards what would happen to the planet as a whole.

Jayna checked the clock on her nightstand. It was five a.m. She would be getting up in about two hours to get ready for school. It would be great if she could sleep a bit more. She closed her eyes and thought of the Astral world, the Council of Ascended Masters and Ethan.

The thought of Ethan made her heart skipped a beat.

There were so many questions she wanted to ask him, but she knew she had to be patient.

With the knowledge she gained during one episode in the Astral plane she was able to appreciate the power of her own thoughts. Each word she thought rippled into the universe affecting everything and everyone around her.

What an amazing concept.

Jayna thought of Ethan, his incredible physique, his wicked smile and his confession that he was attracted to her. Happy, Jayna thought, I am happy; and that is how she drifted off to sleep.

Blissfully happy.

“Jayna, wake up.” Liam barged into her room and jumped on her bed.

“Easy there, monkey.”

Jayna reached and hugged Liam. He was already dressed and ready for school, his light brown hair neatly brushed, looking devilishly handsome, ready to break some hearts in his kindergarten class today.

“Get up, Jayna, you gotta drive me to school. Mom said, don’t forget to go to grandma’s tonight. It’s her birthday.”

“Okay, Liam. Jayna needs to take a shower. I will be down in a few minutes. How about you watch                                                                                                                                                                some TV while I get ready?”

Liam ran down to watch his early morning show, while Jayna admired the bracelet on her wrist, the reminder that last night’s adventures were not a dream or a product of her overactive imagination. It made her heart race with anticipation.

The Astral Ordinance, Book I (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now