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Aurora hated being back at school. The two weeks for the christmas holiday had literally flown by. She'd prefer to be with Remus, Sirius and the rest of the order. The good thing was she would get to see Blaise again.

She didn't know if he would still want to be friends with her after what happened with Millicent. When Blaise had found her after the incident in Quidditch, he wasn't entirely happy. But when he found out that Draco had mentioned her mother, he softened. "He's a fucking twat". He muttered, as he pulled Aurora in for a hug.

Being back at school, Aurora had found out that because of Umbridge and her power, she was now no longer a prefect. Points had been taken off the Gryffindor house and she would attend detention each day for a hour for the foreseeable.

Aurora knew what that meant, as long as she was at Hogwarts, and Umbridge was there, she would have these detentions until she graduated.

The reason for her losing her prefect badge and postion, was because of her attack on Millicent Bulstrode.

Millicent had claimed to everyone that Aurora had jumped her and attacked her as she was making her way to the common room, only a few people knew that this was a lie.

"Hagrid's back". Harry said. Aurora raised her eyebrows and listened to what he told them. "Do you think they'll take Dumbeldore's side?" She asked as they walked into the Great Hall.

"I hope so". Hermione whispered.

"Harry. Aurora" Seamus said as he stood up. They turned around to face him.

"I, er....I wanted to apologise. Now even me mam says the Prophet's version of things don't add up. So, what I'm really trying to say is that....I believe you both". He muttered.

Aurora and Harry both smiled at Seamus. They all sat down at the table.

Aurora sighed and looked over at the Slytherin table, her eyes finding Blaise's. He looked at her, a small smile on his face. Aurora sighed in relief, knowing they where still friends.

Pansy and Daphne both sat beside him, the two girls laughing at something. They both looked at Blaise to see him staring at something. They turned there heads and looked at Aurora, offering her a small smile.

Aurora looked down at her plate, her jaw tight. She wasn't in the mood for food and Harry was to preoccupied talking to Hermione and Ron, that he didn't notice his sister.

Aurora frowned when Neville stood. Everyone frowned when he walked out of the Great Hall in a rush. Aurora stood up and quickly followed him.

She found him in the room of Requirements.

"Neville". She said softly as she walked up to him.

"Fourteen years ago a Death Eater named Bellatrix Lestrange, alongside her husband Roloplphus Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jnr, used the Cruciatus Curse on my parents. Do you remember me telling you that?" He asked.

Aurora placed her hand on Neville's back and looked up at him. "Of course I rememember Nev". She answered.

"They tortured them for infromation but....they never gave in. I'm quite proud to be their son but I'm not sure I'm ready for everyone to know just yet". He muttered.

Aurora looked up at the picture of the original order. Her eyes on Alice and Frank. Her eyes slowly moved to her own parents.

"We're going to make them proud Neville. That's a promise. Your mother and father....they would be so proud to see what you have achieved Neville. Your an amazing wizard, but also an amazing friend. I promise you....I promise that one day, she will get what is coming to her. Just like Voldemort going to get what is coming for him. We will do this for our parents, we will make them proud". She said.

She wrapped her arms around Neville and squeezed him tight.

They turned there heads as the group made there way in. Aurora smiled at Neville and gently squeezed his shoulder.

"How was everyone's break?" Harry asked, a wide smile on his face.

Once everyone finsihed telling him about there hoildays he smiled even more. "That's great, now today, we are going to be learning about the patronus charm". He said.

Everyone started to walk in excited whispers. Aurora smiled and watched as Harry showed his Patronus off. Everyone smiled widely when they watched the Stag dance around the room.

"Okay, now it's your turn. I want you to think of a memory. It has to be a powerful one, your happiest memory. When you thought about it, say Expecto Patronum". Harry explained.

Aurora looked around at everyone's Patronus'.

Hermione's was a otter.

Ginny's was a horse.

Ron's was a dog. A terrier to be percise.

George and Fred where Magpies, which was fitting.

Luna's was a hare.

Aurora took a deep breath and shut her eyes, thinking of her happy memory. She opened her eyes and shouted out. "Expecto Patronum".

Aurora watched as a white swan flew in the air. smiled widely and watched as it gracefully flew in the air.

She frowned when the chandler started to shake on the ceilling. She looked at Harry as they both stepped forwards. The lights where flickering like mad, the room shaking. Aurora jumped when the glass from the mirror smashed.

Rosalie stepped forwards as Nigel was looking through the hole in the wall.

"Bombarda Maxima". Umbridge shouted.

Aurora dragged Nigel back and blocked his body with her own as the wall exploded.

Aurora turned her head and looked at Umbridge. She was surrounded by Filch and a bunch of Slytherins. Her blood went cold as Cho was dragged forwards.

"Get them". Umbridge seethed.

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